SRC News

On Monday, the SRC Team met with Sibling Architects, who are designing a master plan for St Joseph's!
Here are some members of the SRC team telling us what happened:
Henry- Some of the architects came to our school and showed us a slide show, and asked us questions about what we should build for our school.
Bennett- Sibiling Architects seemed to be very organised, and I cannot wait to see the results if I am still at school when they are done! On the masterplan, I really wanted new downball courts.
Mackenzie- The architects came to our school and showed us things that they can do to help make our school better. We got to draw some pictures about what we would like to add to our school. I wanted to have an outside area for games, fake grass, logs and drawing.
Harry L- In the meeting, I shared that I wanted higher fences behind the footy goals and a fake grass cricket pitch. I am very excited to get started!
Tay- The architects came, and we talked about the list of things that we wanted to have at the school. We spoke about our ideas and what was good or bad ideas. I suggested a quiet place for some people to go with a pond.