Principal's News
Kate Whitford
Principal's News
Kate Whitford
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to the parents who were able to take up the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their progress, achievements and reflect on the year so far. This was a good chance to discuss ways we can work together to support your child for the remainder of the year. If you were unable to make it in this week, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or the office to organize another time or even just a chat over the phone.
World Teachers Day
As the term continues to unfold, we celebrate our Teachers tomorrow for World Teachers Day! Thank you to all the teachers in our school and community. We appreciate the support, care and hard work you provide in our learning community.
Pupil free days - Term 4
Each year schools are granted pupil free days and a Professional Practice Day by the Department. These dates may change each year depending on the needs of the school and must be approved by School Council. We have two pupil free days this term- Monday 4th and Monday 25th of November.
Classes 2025- Student Placements Staff will soon begin the conversations and work around class groupings for 2025. If your child will not be attending Rochester PS next year or you know of somebody who is yet to enrol could you please contact the office ASAP. If you have any specific requests regarding the placement of your child for 2025 please make contact to discuss before Friday 25th October.
The last of our storage cupboards and shelving was installed on Wednesday in the Library/Art room. This means our structural rebuild is officially complete
Supervision before and after school
Another friendly reminder to families to please ensure students are not arriving before 8.40am. Student safety at RPS is our highest priority and the safe and appropriate supervision of students is an important element of our duty of care to students. Part of this duty is ensuring parents and students are aware of our student supervision arrangements before and after school.
• Before school: School grounds are supervised at 8.40am.
• After school: School grounds are supervised until 3.35pm.
Students on school grounds outside these times will not be supervised (unless they are attending the before or after school care program or a supervised extracurricular activity).
Monster Raffle: Please collect from office.
Raffle tickets are now available for our 'Rochester Primary School Monster Raffle'. Check out the great prizes up for grabs! Families are asked to collect a book to sell. These are available from the office. All funds raised will go towards supporting students, programs and activities at our school.
Kate Whitford