Principal Post

Dear Families,
As we begin November, we hope that you all enjoy a Long Weekend and the Melbourne Cup festivities. Mrs Willmott and Mr Mulcahy families are part of a large ownership syndicate for the race horse Circle of Fire which will run in the Melbourne Cup! We wish them well and hope that their horse hurries home!!
A reminder that there is no school on Monday 4th November or Tuesday 5th November (Cup Day) of next week! We look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday 6th November.
All Saints and All Souls
The upcoming feast days of All Saints and All Souls within our Catholic tradition give us time to pause and reflect on those who have passed, and their continuing importance in our lives. Our heartfelt prayers are with all those who have gone before us.
Prayer to the saints
Oh, saints of God
Who lived, loved, died and rose as did Jesus. Be our companions.
That we may be large in thought, word and deed.
Bringing peace, joy, love and compassion
To our lives and all around us.
To God be glory in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Diwali - Festival of Lights
We wish the many families who will celebrate Diwali this coming weekend a wonderful time with family and friends.
Blessings to you all!
Damage to carpets in the Scanlon Building
As you are all aware last Friday, we came to school to be faced with a blockage to a pipe that caused damage to some carpet areas in the corridors and within 1-2DS, 1-2B and FKC.
As the restoration has begun at this end of the Scanlon Building, we have moved these 1-2 and our Foundation classes to other learning areas within the school.
We are hoping that after next week we will have recarpeted these classrooms and areas and will have our students back in their own classrooms. Thank you for your support to date. Please be patient as we undertake these works as quickly as is possible.
Please note:
Due to the damage there will not be any MUSIC Lessons conducted by Mr Pham after school on Friday 8th November. Mr Pham will be in touch and make up lessons will be put in place in due time.
School Review
This week our school will continue to undertake our School Review. Today we welcomed Gavin Healy a MACS appointed Reviewer to our school. He spoke with various stakeholders; staff, students and parent representatives and visited various classes. He is very impressed with our students and our school. He will return again this Friday 1st November and will continue to review our School Improvement and our Annual Action Plans, our Learning and Social Emotional Programs and our various Data Sets.
In late November Gavin will present his preliminary report to the School Leadership.
It is an important undertaking and will provide a platform for our continuous improvement and future plans here at SJV.
Next week on Friday 8th November we will hold our annual School Disco in the Hall. All students attending will receive a wristband at school to wear on the night. All payments are made through CDF pay- $12.
This includes a glow stick, popcorn and a small drink.
We thank our Parent and Friends for organising this 'Popstar and Rockstar' event.
Please note Ticket sales close on WEDNESDAY 6th November at 4pm
Please read the flyer on the next page
SJV Spirit Day - December 5
Colour Fun Run & Talent Show
On December 5th this year the school will be holding a Talent Show and a Colour Fun Run. This community event -SJV Spirit Day will need our Parents support us to be a success.
Please sign up to help using this link.
Spirit day
You need to have a Working with Children. If you do not have one you can still apply on: https: //
We want as many parents as possible to participate.
SJV Community Carnival-Save the date 29th March 2025
This event will be our major school fundraiser for 2025. We had an excellent turn up on the 23rd October and the committee are feeling very excited about this fabulous community event. If you think you can help in any way please contact:
Next Meeting: Wednesday 6th November at 7pm
Resilience Awards
This week Nickolas won an empathy award for showing kindness and including others.
What a super effort... and a great role model for all!
Remembrance Day 2025
Our School Captains and Social Justice Captains will be selling badges and bracelets before and after school at the gates until Remembrance day on the 11th of November.(or until sold out). The Appeal continues to support Legacy; our veterans and their families in their time of need. Your donation can help the RSL continue to deliver life-changing support . Prices range from $2 to $50.
Gardening Club
Thankyou to those who bought Parsley last week. The money went to buying new seedlings and plants. Look out for our snow peas that were planted last week-Coming Soon!
Meet and Greet
Yesterday, between 4pm-5pm the 2025 Foundation families and students were invited to come for a play, have time to meet others and familiarise themselves with SJV. It was so lovely to see so many smiling faces and such an incredible turn out. It was a huge success!
SJV House Sports Day
The annual SJV House Sports Day will be held on Friday 15th November at Ross Reserve Athletics track, 9 Memorial Drive, Noble Park (off Corrigan Rd)
All students will need to be dropped at Ross Reserve Athletics track between 8:30-8:50 on Friday 15th November.
There will not be any staff onsite at school.
Before School Care and After School Care will be held from 6:30am -8am, and 3:30pm-6:30pm - but note: parents must still drop off and pick up from school as there will not be a bus to and from Sports Day.
Since we are using Springvale Little Athletics track, we will use their fantastic athletics facilities. Year 3-6 students will participate in long jump, discus and shot put, as well as sprints on the track and other fun games and activities. F-2 students will also do sprints and long jump as well as other fun games and activities.
The day will conclude at 3:00pm, all students will need to be collected from Ross Reserve Athletics track and signed out by their parent/guardian. Parents will need to be at the track before 3pm.
Goodies Stall
Our Goodies stall team raised over $100 for our St Vincent de Paul Parish team. We thank all who supported this great cause. Social Justice in Action!!
What spectacular efforts by our star Athletes Caris and Dina! Please read more on the Regional Athletics Page this is edition!
2025 Classes
Our Grade structure for 2025 is as follows
Foundation x 3 grades
1-2 x 5 grades
3-4 x 5 grades
5-6 x 5 grades
We have begun our processes of planning for our classes for 2025. It important if you wish to make a request for your child, please ensure that it is well considered and based on your child’s learning or wellbeing needs.
- Parent requests need to be placed in writing to the principal, Andrew Mullaly, before the close of business on Friday 1st November.
- If you have previously made a request, you will need to resubmit your request in writing as circumstances may have changed for your child.
- As you will understand, ‘parent request’ will be considered however will not be guaranteed.
- Please note that we ask you not to request a particular teacher as teachers may change levels or schools.
In formulating class lists, we endeavor to ensure that each child has at least one friend in their future class. Students have been asked by their teacher to name a short list of friends. Teachers will endeavor to place each student with at least one friend from their list.
Not returning in 2025
We believe we are aware of the few students currently in Year 1-5 who are moving area and will not be attending SJV in 2025. If you have not informed us please ring and email the school immediately as it effects our planning and enrolment numbers.
Working With Children Check
A reminder to all our parents and grandparents that should you wish to volunteer on excursions, as classroom helpers, at sports events (including our House Sports Day) we must have your current Working With Children Check Card on file. If you have one currently please bring in or email to the office at
We keep in our hearts and prayers the community of Auburn South Primary School.
We also remember all those attending to VCE exams this week.
Please note our next School Closure Day is Friday 6th December - planning Day for 2025.
Please see our Important Dates page for all upcoming events and Term 1 2025 testing and starting days.
Please read & see more in this edition
Maths Afternoon.... photo gallery
Maths Olympiad & Games ...