Religious Education Faith Reflection and RE News

Class Masses Term 4 2024
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8.11.2024 | 1/2 B | We are God's hands |
Look the bridegroom is coming; go out and meet him - All Souls Day
Matthew 25:1-13
In this week’s Gospel, we hear the parable of the wise and unwise bridesmaids. Jesus uses this story to teach us about being ready for the kingdom of heaven. In the parable, five wise and five unwise bridesmaids wait for the groom’s arrival, each with a lamp that needs oil to stay lit. The wise bridesmaids bring extra oil, while the unwise ones do not. As the night wears on, the lamps begin to go out. The unwise bridesmaids leave to buy more oil, but by the time they return, the groom has already arrived, and they find themselves locked out.
What does this parable reveal about heaven? The story conveys a simple but powerful message: we must always be prepared because we do not know the hour when our time may come. For those of us who have lost loved ones, we understand how fleeting life can be. With this awareness, we might ask ourselves, “What ‘oil’ should we have on hand?”
I believe this parable calls us to be open to Jesus always, striving each day to do our best. It’s not about last-minute “scoring points” for salvation. Rather, it’s about living an entire life in service to others. It also encourages us to live in a way that allows us to reflect on our choices and be at peace. We shouldn’t put off reconciling with others or correcting mistakes. While it’s natural to plan ahead, we should also live in the present, making sure we’re truly living our best lives. Perhaps it’s time to take that holiday you’ve been postponing, start the hobby you’ve always wanted to try, or have the courage to make a lifestyle change.
By Jonathan Rooney
Religious Educaiton Leader
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.