A message from the principal
This term KHS has become a part of the Educational Pathways Program (EPP). This is an innovative program designed to improve education and career outcomes for young people by introducing NSW public high school students to a range of vocational training and employment pathways. We are one of six high schools to be serviced by a Head Teacher Careers & a School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) Engagement Officer. The other five schools are Macksville High, Bowraville Central, Melville High, Taree High & Chatham High. Dionne Court is the Head Teacher who is based at Macksville & Rod Daley is the SBAT Officer who is based at KHS. KHS warmly welcomes Rod to the school.
This week I attended an online course on Damaging Online Behaviour. The keynote address was from the eSafety Commissioner’s office. eSafety is Australia's independent regulator for online safety. They educate Australians about online safety risks and help to remove harmful content such as cyberbullying of children, adult cyber abuse and intimate images or videos shared without consent. The onset of AI & the easy creation of deepfake images is very concerning for all parents & schools. Please utilise the eSafety website to help your child deal with this very difficult space.
Webinars for parents and carers | eSafety Commissioner
Simon McKinney