
TERM 4, Week 4

This week we have celebrated our school’s Saints Day. In Religion, we have talked about how our school is very special because it is named after two saints, Saint Michael and Saint John. We all sang beautifully in the Church and did a wonderful job at celebrating this special day for our school. We discussed the many reasons that make our school a wonderful place to learn and how grateful we are for our school. 

In maths we learnt our tens facts. We also call them ‘The Friends of Ten.’ Knowing our tens facts helps us solve addition sums quickly. We made a friends of ten rainbow and a tens fact tiny town which helped us remember our addition sums. (5+5=10, 8+2=10, 1=9=10…) We played some fun games and learnt some catchy songs to practise them. This week we are revising our numbers to twenty. We have counted forwards and backwards to and from 20 and recorded numbers that are 1 more and 1 less. We are impressed with how hard the preps have been working to improve their reading and writing. In writing we have focused on having a go at writing our own sentences, sounding out how to spell new words, using capital letters and full stops and reading back over our writing. It is such an exciting time to see the amazing learning from our preps as we get closer to the end of the year.