
At Sacred Heart we have implemented and engaged in a program called No More Marking. No More Marking uses a process called comparative judgement, this assesses open-ended work more reliably than traditional marking. Comparative judgement is a process where judges compare two responses and decide which is better. Following repeated comparisons, the resulting data is statistically modelled and responses placed on a scale of relative quality. Research has shown the process to be as reliable as double marking, but much quicker.


Our children in Grades 2, 4 and 6 recently participated in a national assessment with No More Marking. Together with a reliable and efficient measurement process, our school received a scaled score, potential NAPLAN band indicator and student writing age. The data allows tracking of individuals, cohorts, and school to school comparison – demonstrating progress over time. 


Our Grade 2 children have been exposed to explicit instruction through a structured literacy approach for the entirety of their school journey. In writing our teachers use The Writing Revolution approach. The Writing Revoultion is an evidence-based approach that ensures all students at all levels can produce clear, coherent, unified, and structured writing. 


We are please to share a snapshot of this recent writing assessment from our Grade 2 children. This snapshot that informs our data and teaching indicates that the children in Grade 2 are performing exceptionally well with 62% in this cohort in the exceeding band. 



Great job, team! Sacred Heart is represented by the blue dot on the graph above.

We celebrate all of the children (and their teachers) in this group, their progress is phenomenal. We are proud to share a snapshot of their work from across their results.


Kate Stroud 

Literacy Leader