Year 2 News
Term 4
Year 2 News
Term 4
From Emma, Year 2 teacher
Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable holiday break. It's been wonderful to see all the students settle back into their routines with great energy and enthusiasm.
A gentle reminder as the weather warms up—please ensure your child brings their Sun-Smart hat each day to stay sun safe.
We have been exploring the fascinating topic of the Human Body, learning about how it works and discussing important systems like our heart and lungs. The students have shown a lot of curiosity and have enjoyed diving into this subject. A highlight was students writing from the perspective of a body part. Each piece had a strong voice to it as many students took a humorous look at what it is like to be a brain, the eyes or the heart.
In the upcoming weeks, students are writing and publishing their own Mr Men or Little Miss book to share with other grades at the Molesworth Campus. We are already brainstorming ideas for what our stories will be featuring our own characters. Students are particularly excited to share with the younger students their hard work.
We’ve been revisiting place value, building on our understanding and practicing skills to help with bigger numbers. It’s been great to see the students' confidence grow as they engage with more complex tasks. A quick task you may want to try at home is giving your child a number and they have to partition using place value i.e 432 is the same as 4 hundreds, 3 tens and 2 ones or 43 tens and 2 ones.
With the fete upcoming in a few weeks, don’t forget to have a look around the home for any soft toys that can be used as donations for our Year 2 Toy Stall.