Year 1 News

From Karen, Year 1 teacher


One of the learning outcomes is for students to create and present multimodal texts legibly. In the past fortnight, students have been learning about comics. Students were exposed to a range of comics, such as Dog Man, Peanuts etc. We discussed the features and structures of comics. After building the foundational understanding, students then designed their own comic characters, which is a superhero, and an optional villain. They drafted the story before drawing the comics. They had lots of fun learning about multimodal texts. 



We are revisiting Place Value during the first week of Term 4. Students learnt to locate multi-digits numbers on a number line, forming multi-digits numbers using MAB, as well as math games such as Mastermind and build to 100s. Students have been very engaged in these activities, and have demonstrated competent place value knowledge that is beyond the Year 1 Curriculum.