Art News
From Mel & Teresa, Art Specialist
Year 2
These insect drawings are made in oil pastel on black paper.
Year 3 & 4
Students have been observing artworks by collage artist Polina Belenchuk. In her works she creates interesting portraits based on self, other artists, characters and imagination. The students made a plan looking at shape, colour and proportion and now in the process of cutting and assembling. They are looking forward to sharing some finished work in the weeks to come.
Year 5 & 6
Students have been learning about Ukranian born artist Helen Dardik. Helen Dardik is known for her fun, vibrant and busy pieces where characters are laced through her drawings. After learning a little bit about the artist and her process students created their own illustrations based on their imagination. Students have worked hard on adding detail to their work and look forward to sharing their complete