Sacred Heart
Parish News
Sacred Heart
Parish News
Mass Times - Weekdays
Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 5.30pm
Tuesday and Thursday - 7.00am
Every 2nd Thursday of the month - Anointing Mass - 10.00am
Every 1st Thursday of the month - Mass at Caloola Court - 11.00am
Saturday - 9.30am
Saturday Vigil - 5.30pm
Sunday - 9.00am
Saturday - 10.00-10.30am (Also available by appointment)
Please keep the students at Sacred Heart Primary School and Mater Dei Primary School in your prayers as they prepare for their upcoming First Reconciliation in the coming weeks.
Sacred Heart Kooringal Parish is running the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) 2025. This is the process through which non-baptised adults enter the Catholic Church. It involves a journey of faith, study, and spiritual growth, culminating in the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Anyone interested in this program, please contact Fr Grace.
Br. John and Br. Patrick have launched a joint youth group for both parishes. The group meets on the first Sunday of each month at St. Michael's Cathedral. The next gathering will be on December 1st at the Cathedral Parish Centre. All High School students are welcome.
Mass Roster Help required
Sacred Heart needs volunteers willing to join the Mass Roster as commentator, lector, organist, Minister of Communion or data projector operator.
Please contact the Parish Office on 6922 6057 or see Fr Grace after Mass if you can help.