
Year 12 2025 Commitment Mass
The Year 12 2025 Commitment Mass was held in Week 1. We were fortunate enough to have Fr Grace celebrate this mass with us as it is a special tradition at the College held for the incoming Year 12 students as they embark on their final year of high school. This is a time for our Year 12 2025 HSC students to come together to pray, reflect, and seek God's blessing as they prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Students renew their commitment to their studies, their faith, and their relationships with others. It's a chance to pause, reflect, and seek strength and guidance as they navigate the demands of the HSC year. This was a powerful way to start Term 4, providing students with a sense of community, purpose, and hope. It's a reminder that they are not alone on their journey and that they have the support of their school, their families, and their faith community.
The Year 12 class of 2025 was officially recognised as the new student leaders of the College. In a special ceremony, they were presented with their college badges, a symbol of their leadership role. Fr. Grace blessed the badges, asking God to guide and protect the students as they embark on their leadership journey. Mrs. Thomas and Mr. Ellis then distributed the badges to each student. The Year 12 2025 students pledged their commitment by saying the Year 12 Commitment Prayer
Be with us on our journey this year through Year 12.
We pray for Prudence, Justice, Courage, Temperance, Discipline,
Wisdom, Patience, and Understanding.
Help us to grow our hearts and minds
as we face the challenges of each new day.
Send your spirit to guide us as leaders in our school community.
May we be supportive of our family and friends.
Mater Dei, Mother of God, just as you nurtured Jesus in his life,
so nurture us in ours.
Through Mary, our mother, Amen.
Let us continue to pray for the Year 12 class of 2025, that they may excel in their studies and emerge as inspiring leaders who embody the values of our school.
Catholic Mission Month - Socktober
Last week the College raised money for Catholic Mission for Socktober! Students celebrated by wearing their silly socks and raising funds and awareness for the Caring Center in Mongolia, where children like Otgonbayar call home.
Socktober was a fantastic way to unite Mater Dei students and staff to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. The hope is that by being involved with such projects and fundraising days there is a cultivation of empathy and a sense of responsibility to others in need outside our community and witness the power of collective action.
Year 7 Socktober
Year 7 students got creative and compassionate last week. Led by the 2025 College, Boarding, and House Captains, they transformed donated recycled materials, including socks, bubble wrap, and linen, into unique soccer balls.
These homemade soccer balls were then used in the Socktober Shootout, a fun and engaging activity that raises awareness about the challenges faced by children in developing countries who often play soccer with makeshift balls. By participating, students had fun and contributed to a meaningful cause, raising awareness for Catholic Missions projects.
Year 10 Reflection Day
On Thursday, 24th October, our Year 10 students participated in a valuable Reflection Day hosted on-site at the College. The day was facilitated by ‘Your Choicez’, an organisation dedicated to empowering young people with the tools to build and maintain healthy, respectful relationships.
The workshops, grounded in Christian values, and expressed through the lens of our Catholic faith, offered students the opportunity to explore topics such as consent, boundaries, and online safety. Students gained insights into the importance of self-respect, empathy, and responsible decision-making through engaging discussions and personal testimonies.
We thank ‘Your Choicez’ for delivering such a thought-provoking and informative program and our College staff for being a part of the day. By fostering a culture of respect and understanding, we empower our students to make positive choices and build strong, positive relationships. This is the link that was supplied on the parent note that is the outline of the program ‘Respectful Relationships’ along with a link to the Your Choicez Website - Parent Resource page.
Year 8 Reflection Day
Week 1 saw Year 8 students embark on a special journey of self-discovery and relationship-building. The day was filled with insightful workshops facilitated by ‘Your Choicez’, an organisation dedicated to empowering young people.
The day focused on exploring the intricate nature of relationships in today's digital age. Students delved into topics such as online etiquette, digital footprint, and the impact of social media on mental health. Through engaging activities and thought-provoking discussions, students gained valuable insights into how their online actions can influence their offline lives. We thank ‘Your Choicez’ for delivering such a thought-provoking and informative program and our College staff for being a part of the day.
An outline of the program ‘Connections that Count’ is attached here, along with a link to the Your Choicez Website - Parent Resourcepage.
All Saints and All Souls Day Homegroup
Last Friday, staff and students commemorated All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day, significant days in the Catholic liturgical calendar, during an extended homegroup liturgy. This special occasion provides an opportunity to reflect on the lives of saints and pray for the departed.
All Saints' Day was celebrated as part of this prayer opportunity. Students reflected on the lives of saints, known and unknown, who have inspired countless people with their faith and love. Through prayer and reflection, students honoured these holy individuals and sought their intercession.
All Souls' Day was also commemorated with prayer. This time was dedicated to remembering and praying for the deceased, especially those who have passed away in the past year. Students were encouraged to pray for their loved ones and contemplate the meaning of death and eternal life. The Peace Garden became a poignant space of remembrance, where staff and students were invited to light a candle and write a short message to be hung on the tree.
Remembrance Day Reflection
The College will pause next Monday, 11th November to commemorate Remembrance Day. This solemn occasion honours the brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives in service of our country.
Christ is our light and he calls us along the road of peace. Let us take this minute of silence to reflect on the impact of warfare and pray for peace in our world, land, families, and hearts.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.
May the God of peace help us build bridges of peace. Amen.
May the God of love help us spread waves of love. Amen.
May the God of hope help us raise flags of hope. Amen.
New Papal Encyclical: A Call to Love
Pope Francis has recently released his latest encyclical," Dilexit Nos" ("He Loved Us"), which focuses on the profound love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This powerful message encourages us to open our hearts to God's love and to love one another as Christ has loved us.
In this encyclical, Pope Francis addresses many challenges facing our world today, including technology, consumerism, and social isolation. He reminds us that the love of Christ can provide solace, hope, and guidance in these turbulent times.
Mrs Pauline Streckfuss | Acting Leader of Mission