What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

Preps and the Potato Olympics

Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed numerous memorable moments during the 2024 Paris Olympics. As a primary community, there have been many conversations about Australian athletes as well as those from other countries. However, what has been truly exciting to see is the level of respect displayed between the competitors. From skateboarders cheering each other on to rock climbers observing their peers in action, and gymnasts acknowledging excellence in their discipline, the spirit of sportsmanship has been inspiring.


At DCS, we have cherished each of these moments and have also celebrated the Olympics with our Green and Gold Day, held on Friday 2nd August. In addition to this, the Preps took our Olympic spirit to new heights with their own version of the games—the Potato Olympics, which was held last Friday. Each Prep student was tasked with creating a competitor using a potato, complete with a name, outfit and country affiliation. They then participated in a series of events where these potato competitors raced, rolled, jumped and even flew, showcasing their skills in various challenges.


Here are some of the reflections from our Prep Students:

I got to throw my potato. It was fun throwing potatoes - Chloe, Prep M

I balanced my potato and got a medal - Cohen, Prep M

I threw and balanced my potato - Maisie, Prep M

I raced my potato by running with it - Evie, Prep M

I got to make my potato and I named it Lucy - Charlie, Prep B

I got to throw a potato and got a medal - Jasmine, Prep B

Friday Assembly: Science Week Presentation

This Friday 16th August at assembly, we will be celebrating the culmination of Science Week with a special presentation by Miss Shurley.  All families and friends are warmly invited to join us from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre.

Primary Art

Our new Primary Art Space is open and already full of bright creativity.  This term our Primary students will be looking at sculpture. To unleash their creativity, Mrs Clark is looking for donations of household recyclables. These items will be used to create the sculpture structure before being finished in a plaster wrap:

  • Boxes - small to medium
  • Cardboard tubing
  • Clean plastics - icecream containers, milk bottles etc
  • Foam, bubble wrap
  • Anything else that might be useful!

Watch this space for the finished products!


A friendly reminder also that all Art Competition entries are due back this week, Friday 16th August.

DCS Farm

We are so excited to see the Farm starting to fill up with animals again! 


Our little goat friends Raya and Flower have returned this week and the 5/6 Animal Helpers are looking forward to taking them on their lunchtime walks again. 


We will soon be incubating eggs from our show chickens who are now residing at Miss Shurley’s house. As the weather warms up and the mother hens begin to lay again, the egg collecting will begin! 


We are also currently caring for a newborn lamb called Franky, who will hopefully continue to grow healthy and strong, staying with us until she is fully grown. 


Staff were lucky enough to try some of our delicious DCS honey earlier in the year and we look forward to another harvest once our bees are buzzing again after their winter rest. 


What a lovely time of year it is on our DCS farm!

ICAS 2024

Over the next few weeks we continue ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) for students in Year 2 through to Year 8. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to further discover areas of passions and for them to assess their skills in a range of curriculum areas. Over the course of the next few weeks we will see 69 students complete 137 assessments in 6 competitions:

  • Tuesday 20th August - ICAS Science
  • Wednesday 21st August - ICAS Spelling
  • Tuesday 27th August - ICAS Maths

Book Fair

Two of the biggest events on the Library calendar are coming up next week:  CBCA Book Week and our annual Book Fair!  CBCA Book Week is from Monday 19th August until Friday 23rd August.  This year the official Book Week theme is ‘Reading is Magic’. 


The Book Fair is a great fundraiser for our library and each year we end up with a huge pile of books for the library that happens because of the generosity and support of our school community. 


Primary students will soon be bringing home an invitation for the Book Fair, which has just a small sample of books that will be on offer.  Wish lists will be completed by students during their library time and brought home. Parents are invited to look at the lists, decide which items, if any,  you would like to purchase (please note there is no obligation to buy), and return completed wish lists to school (with payment) by Friday 30th August. 


Books will be on display next to the school office throughout Book Week, so please feel free to come in and see the books on offer.  The school office is open from 8.00am-3.45pm each school day.


There are 3 ways to pay; online, EFTPOS or cash. If you would like to purchase any items, please return all wish lists to the office by Friday 30th August—all wish lists need to be returned so that we can give each child the correct order. If paying for books online, please ensure you enter the Book Fair site and not the Book Club site.  Books will be ordered once all the wish lists are returned and will be handed out to students so they all receive them at the same time—this usually takes about 3 weeks.


Mrs G, Library Technician.

Book Week Parade

This year the official Book Week theme is ‘Reading is Magic’. The DCS Primary community will be celebrating Book Week commencing Monday 21st August. This is a very exciting week which culminates in our Book Week Parade on Friday 23rd August from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre, where students have the opportunity to dress up as their favourite book character.


Characters should be from a book and not a movie and students are asked to bring along a copy of the book their character is from.


Imagination and fun are what the day is all about so please make the costume for your child that works best for you and your family. Some students like to make their own costumes, some parents like to make them with or without their child’s help, and some like to buy costumes. Any of the above are great—it’s all to promote the love of reading!


Students in Kinder C will have an opportunity to dress up on Thursday 22nd August with our Little Sprouts friends. 

Father's Day Stalls

DCS Community will be holding their annual Father’s Day stalls on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th August.


Students will have an opportunity to purchase an amazing gift for Dad or a loved one.


Please see above for the days each year level will be able to purchase items.


Items will range in price from $1-$10 

DCS Art Comp

Creative Arts Afternoon

You're invited to our Primary Creative Arts Afternoon on Thursday 29th August between 3.30-4.30pm.


This will be a wonderful afternoon celebrating the creativity of our primary students. There will be students playing musical instruments that they have been learning and all the art competition entries will be on display, as well as a display of some of this year’s primary artwork.   Stay for a short time or the whole hour. We look forward to showcasing our students' varied talents.


Celebrating Students

Each week at our Friday assembly we love to celebrate our students. We would love to hear from you if your child has achieved something significant over the weekend during sporting events, dancing, baptisms, theatre, music achievements etc. 


Please email one of the following DCS Team Members with the details (we would love a photo too!):

Corina Barnard: reception@dcs.tas.edu.au

Ema-Lee De Haan: dehaane@dcs.tas.edu.au

Tom Evans: evanst@dcs.tas.edu.au  

Upcoming Events:

Thur 15th Aug11.45amDCS Community Meeting
Fri 16th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
 3.00pmDCS Art Competition entries due
Mon 19th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 20th Aug9.00amICAS - Science
Tue 20th Aug7.00pmSecondary Expo Evening
Wed 21st Aug8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 9.00amICAS - Spelling
Thur 22nd Aug8.45amKinder C and Little Sprouts Book Week Parade
Fri 23rd Aug8.30amBook Week Parade
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
Mon 26th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 27th Aug9.00amICAS - Maths
Wed 28th Aug8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 9.00amDCS Community Father's Day Stall
Thur 29th Aug9.00amDCS Community Father's Day Stall
 3.30pmPrimary Creative Arts Afternoon
Fri 30th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room

Term Dates

Term 3:

Thursday 25th July - Thursday 26th September


Term 4:

Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December