Principal's Ponderings

From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Encouraging Words Are Like Gold

As we find ourselves captivated by the feats of strength, endurance and determination displayed at the Paris Olympics, we can not help but admire the athletes striving for gold, silver and bronze. These remarkable individuals have spent years honing their skills, pushing their limits, and persevering through challenges, all for the chance to stand on the podium. Yet, as we reflect on these moments of triumph, I invite you to consider a different kind of race—one that the Apostle Paul speaks of in Hebrews 12:1-3, urging us to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

In this passage, Paul paints a vivid picture of life as a race, one not marked by competition against others but by the pursuit of God’s calling with endurance and faith. He reminds us to “fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith,” who endured the cross and scorned its shame for the joy set before Him. Our race, unlike those at the Olympics, is not about earning medals or accolades; it is about living a life that honours Jesus, inspires others and brings glory to God.


At the Olympics, athletes strive for personal bests and medals that will one day fade. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to strive for something far greater—eternal rewards. Instead of competing for earthly recognition, we are called to encourage one another with “golden words” of affirmation and hope. Proverbs 25:11 tells us that “a word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.” In other words, it is worth more than silver, words spoken of encouragement and positivity, spoken at the right time, are priceless! Just as athletes push each other to achieve more, we too should push one another towards love and good deeds, using our words to build up, inspire and bless those around us.


As we witness athletes from all corners of the globe giving their all in their respective disciplines, let us be reminded of the importance of unity. The race we run as Christians is not one of solitary achievement but of communal support. We are not running to outpace one another but to run alongside each other, lifting up those who stumble and celebrating each other’s victories. As 1 Thessalonians 5:11 encourages us, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

With the conclusion of the Olympics our attention will soon shift to the Paralympics, where we will witness athletes who exemplify courage, determination and the spirit of perseverance in a profound way. Their stories remind us that life’s race is not about physical prowess alone but about the heart with which we pursue our God-given purpose. Let us celebrate the diversity of gifts and abilities within our own community, recognising that each of us has a unique role to play in God’s plan.


As we run this race together, may we be ever mindful that our ultimate prize is not an earthly medal but an eternal one. The crown of life that the Lord promises to those who love Him (James 1:12) is far more precious than any gold or silver we could ever win. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, run with perseverance, and support one another in unity and love, knowing that our reward is secure in Him.

As a DCS Community, I encourage each of you to continue running your race with faith, hope and love. Let us be a community that reflects the harmony, unity and authentic love that Christ has shown us. May we use our gifts to worship Jesus, inspire others and bless those around us as we press on toward the prize that awaits us in eternity.


Shalom, shalom.


Chad Smit | Principal