Cohort News

"I alone cannot change the world, 

but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” 

— Mother Teresa

Year 7 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents / Carers of Year 7,


As we approach the middle of Term 3, we’d like to update you on recent events, share some helpful tips for the upcoming assessment period and remind you of important dates ahead.


Geography Fieldwork Excursion to Manly Dam

Our recent Geography fieldwork excursion to Manly Dam was a valuable learning experience for our students. They had the chance to engage directly with the environment, conducting hands-on investigations related to ecosystems, water management, and sustainability. Students gathered important data and developed key fieldwork skills while gaining a deeper understanding of how classroom concepts apply in the real world. The day was both educational and enjoyable.




Tips on staying organised during assessment task period

With a busy period of assessment tasks for Year 7 coming up here are some tips on staying organised and ahead. 

  • Plan Ahead: Use a planner or digital calendar to mark all due dates. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and assign deadlines to each.
  • Prioritise Tasks: Identify which tasks need the most time or have earlier deadlines, and focus on those first. Use a to-do list to keep track.
  • Create a Study Schedule: Allocate specific times for studying, revising, and working on assignments. Stick to the schedule to avoid last-minute stress.
  • Organise Your Workspace: Keep your study area tidy and free from distractions. Having all your materials in one place saves time and helps maintain focus.
  • Use Checklists: Break each assessment into smaller steps (e.g., research, drafting, editing) and check them off as you go. It’s motivating to see your progress.
  • Take Breaks: Don’t forget to schedule short breaks. Staying refreshed helps maintain focus and productivity.
  • Ask for Help: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers or classmates for guidance.
  • Stay Positive and Focused: Keep a positive mindset and remind yourself that each step brings you closer to completing your tasks.



As we strive to maintain our school’s high standards, we kindly remind parents that uniform skirts should be worn at knee length, as outlined in our dress code policy. In addition students are not permitted to wear make-up, false eyelashes, acrylic nails or nail polish to school. Ensuring that students adhere to this standard reflects pride in our school and promotes a consistent and respectful learning environment. We appreciate your continued support in upholding our school’s values. 



Here’s a snapshot of what you can look forward to:

  • Week 6 - Friday 30th August: Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast
  • Week 10 - Wednesday 25th September: Year12 Graduation
  • Week 10 - Friday 27th September: Last Day of Term 3


Thank you for your ongoing support as we navigate this busy term. We look forward to your participation in our upcoming school events and wish our students the best in their assessments.


Kathy Phetrasi

Year 7 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 8 Pastoral Care



Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Thank you to all for your diligence and support in ensuring that all elective subject forms were completed and submitted on time. Your attention to this has greatly helped us in planning for 2025, and we truly appreciate your cooperation. It is always a time of stress in planning for the future but together we have prevailed and hopefully we have made wise choices for our subjects for Year 9 and 10.


As we move forward, I’d like to remind you of our school's uniform policy, particularly concerning the use of rain jackets. Students are reminded that rain jackets should only be worn during wet weather. When it's not raining, we ask that students wear their regular school uniform as per our guidelines. This helps maintain the standard of appearance we value at our school. You can view the current uniform expectations here. If you require any clarification or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.


I would also like to bring to your attention a concerning issue that has recently come to light. There have been instances of students caught vaping on school grounds. I want to emphasise that our school treats this matter with the utmost seriousness. Vaping poses significant health risks, especially to young people, and it is strictly prohibited at our school and in Sydney Catholic Schools. We are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all students, and any violation of this policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action and pastoral support. We ask for your support in discussing the dangers of vaping with your daughters and reinforcing the importance of adhering to school rules, as well as the law of the land.


Moving into the second half of the term. Year 8 will be busy. Very busy, according to our assessment calendar. I encourage you to support your daughters in their studies by helping them manage their time effectively and ensuring they have a quiet, focused environment for their revision. The creation of a realistic study timetable would be invaluable. Your involvement plays a crucial role in their academic success, and together, we can help them navigate this important period with confidence.


Thank you once again for your continued support.


With Fortiter et Suaviter


Tom Inatey

Year 8 Pastoral Care Coordinator

Year 9 Pastoral Care


Dear Parents, Carers of Year 9,


As we pass the halfway mark of Term 3, it's inspiring to see the commitment and diligence your daughters have shown in reflecting on their Semester One goals and setting new ones for the remainder of the year. This period of reflection and goal-setting is crucial as it allows the girls to assess their progress, identify areas for improvement, and set meaningful targets that will guide their academic and personal development. I encourage you to take some time to engage with your daughters about these goals. Discussing their personal, academic, and wellbeing aspirations can provide valuable insight into their experiences and support their journey towards achieving them.


As we continue through the term, I would like to remind you about the importance of adhering to the College uniform policy. With many students having grown since the start of the year, it may be necessary to rehem skirts to ensure they meet the required length. Additionally, please ensure that jewellery remains minimal, with only one simple stud or sleeper in each ear and a necklace featuring a small cross being acceptable. Uniform is more than just a dress code; it is a reflection of the values we uphold at Brigidine College. Wearing the uniform with pride sets students up for future success and instills a sense of respect for themselves and the community.


I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our recent "Students of the Week": Georgia Cleaves, Rebecca Hugh, and Rachel Guan. Each of these students has demonstrated both strength and gentleness in their daily interactions at the College. They have been consistently identified by staff as being helpful, kind, and respectful towards others, embodying the values we hold dear.


Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to continuing to work together to ensure your daughters thrive during the remainder of the year.


Rebecca Monohan

Year 9 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 10 Pastoral Care


Dear Year 10 Parents and Students,


Term 3 has been an exciting time for Year 10 with many events and activities to help grow each student both socially and academically.


Year 10 Disco at Marcellin College – August 9th


The Year 10 Disco, held on August 9th at Marcellin College in Randwick, was a huge success! Our students enjoyed an evening filled with music, dancing, and fun, making lasting memories with their peers. It was wonderful to see everyone embracing the spirit of the event, and we are especially proud of the way our students conducted themselves, showing respect and enthusiasm throughout the night. A big thank you to Marcellin College for hosting and to all the staff volunteers who helped make this event so enjoyable for our Year 10 students.


Careers Expo – August 16th


On August 16th, our Year 10 students attended the Careers Expo, which provided a fantastic opportunity to explore a wide range of career pathways and further education options. The expo featured representatives from various industries, universities, and TAFE institutions, offering valuable insights into potential career choices and the skills required for the future. Students were actively engaged in discussions, asking thoughtful questions, and gathering information to help them make informed decisions about their post-school pathways. 


Year 10 students have demonstrated a very positive attitude this term while all of the events and activities presented to them. Their positive attitude and willingness to engage in both social and educational activities reflect their growing maturity and readiness for the challenges ahead.


Thank you to all the parents and guardians for your continued support in ensuring these events were successful. I look forward to another exciting term where we focus on growing the students' learning and creating everlasting memories. I wish all year 10 a successful Term 3. 


Nikki McWhirter

Year 10 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 11 Pastoral Care


Dear Year 11 Students and Parents,


As we approach the end of Term 3, it's an opportune time to reflect on some of the impactful experiences our Year 11 students have had, as well as look ahead to important upcoming events. 


One of the significant events this term was the BStreetSmart road safety event, which our Year 11 students attended recently. BStreetSmart is an initiative that aims to educate young people about the importance of road safety through a powerful combination of live reenactments, first-hand accounts, and discussions with those who have experienced the devastating consequences of road accidents. The event included a reenactment of a serious car accident, complete with the response from emergency services. It was a sobering and eye-opening experience for everyone in attendance.


The reenactment was followed by testimonies from people who have been involved in road accidents, including young drivers who had made poor decisions on the road, and parents who had tragically lost their children to road accidents. These personal stories were deeply moving and brought the reality of road safety into sharp focus for our students. The emotional impact of hearing from someone who has lived through such a tragedy cannot be overstated. 


The key messages from BStreetSmart were clear: the importance of making safe choices, the far-reaching consequences of reckless driving, and the responsibility each of us has to protect not only ourselves but also others on the road. It is our hope that the lessons learned from this event will stay with our students as they begin to navigate the roads themselves in the coming years. We have included some photos from the event in this newsletter to give you a glimpse of what the day entailed.


Looking forward, Year 11 students are now turning their attention to the upcoming Preliminary exams. These exams are a crucial component of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) journey, as they provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of the material covered throughout the year and set a foundation for their final year of study. 


The Preliminary exams will commence on Friday, 13th September, and conclude on Monday, 23rd September. The timetable for the exams has been released, and students should now be well into their revision schedules. It is important for students to approach these exams with a calm and focused mindset, ensuring they manage their time effectively in the lead-up to and during the exam period. 


Parents, your support during this time is invaluable. Encouraging a balanced approach to study, ensuring your daughter gets enough rest, and helping her maintain a healthy diet can make a significant difference in her performance and well-being. We understand that this can be a stressful time, and we encourage students to reach out to their teachers if they need any assistance or clarification on any of the material.


Wishing all our Year 11 students the very best for their exams.


Tony Munguia

Year 11 Pastoral Care Coordinator


Year 12 Pastoral Care


Firstly, I would personally like to congratulate the whole of Year 12 for the way they conducted themselves throughout the HSC Trial period. Their punctuality and attendance were excellent, and the resilience they showed in managing busy schedules was truly commendable. Well done, ladies!


As we approach the final stretch, it's hard to believe that there is just under a month left before your journey as Brigidine students comes to an end. Time has flown by, and before we know it, we will be at the formal, celebrating what has been a wonderful year for this exceptional Year 12 cohort!


Until then, there are a few important dates and events to keep in mind:


Upcoming Events and Dates:

  • Retreat (Week 8)
    • Group A (Aquinas, Delany, Regina Mundi): September 11-12
    • Group B (Brigid, Winifred, Xavier): September 12-13
    • Please ensure consent has been confirmed on Compass.
  • Graduation Week (Week 10)
    • Last day of classes: Monday, 23 September
    • Graduation Assembly, Mass, and Ceremony: Wednesday, 25 September
    • Formal: Friday, 27 September

I am very much looking forward to celebrating all that you have achieved and the memories we have created together. Let's make the most of these last few weeks and finish the year strong!


Jon Campbell

Year 12 Pastoral Care Coordinator