Faith, Mission 

& Identity

"Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received"

— 1 Peter 4:10

                                                             2024 College Liturgical Theme

Father's Day Mass & Breakfast 

On Friday, we gathered for a special Mass in honour of the remarkable fathers in our lives. This celebration was a tribute to the deep and enduring bond between a father and child—a bond built on love, nurturing, and unwavering care.


We were delighted to welcome all the fathers, grandfathers, and significant father figures who joined us for this occasion. Their presence enriched our community and reminded us of the invaluable role they play in shaping the lives of their children and grandchildren.


We were blessed to have Fr. Michael with us to celebrate this Mass, guiding us in prayer and reflection as we honoured the fathers who are such integral parts of our lives.


At our Mass, we extended a blessing to all our incredible Father’s: 

May the Lord bless you and keep you –
in times of joy and in times of trial.
May the Lord make his face shine on you –
that you, in turn, may be the face of God to those you father.
May the Lord be gracious to you –
that you may be the instrument of grace in your families and communities.
And may the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace –
that you might bring peace to your homes, to your families, to your work and your world.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord,


Embracing Courage: Year 12 Retreat (Week 8)


As our Year 12 students prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives, they will soon gather for the Year 12 Retreat, a significant milestone in their journey. Centered around the theme of ‘Courage,’ this retreat will offer students the chance to:

  • Embrace ‘Courage’ as their guiding light
  • Challenge themselves beyond their comfort zones
  • Strengthen the bonds within their cohort
  • Look to the future with a courageous heart
  • Express gratitude and bid farewell

I look forward to sharing more about this remarkable experience in our next newsletter.


Archdiocesan Religious Education Test


Term 4, Week 2

Wednesday 23 October 2024


The Archdiocesan Religious Education Test is conducted annually for all students across Sydney Catholic Schools in Years 8 and 10. 


The test gauges student knowledge across the five strands taught in their respective Stages. 


In December, at our Presentation Day Ceremonies, we recognise outstanding student achievement in the Archdiocesan test, celebrating the students who achieve a High Distinction and place in the top 10% of all candidates across the state. 


Further information regarding the test will be sent to parents and guardians at the commencement of Term 4. 


Jamie Lee Wood

Director of Religious Education & Mission