Assistant Principal's


"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” 

— Aristotle

National Child Saftey Week


National Child Safety week occurs during the week of 2 - 6 September with the aim of raising awareness of the issues of child abuse and neglect. 


The following clips provide some helpful information.


As part of our regular Pastoral Care program many of these aspects are addressed with our students. When such messages are reinforced at home our girls benefit from a supportive network. 


The importance of positive student teacher relationships.


The research consistently shows that positive teacher-student relationships have many benefits for learning. Positive teacher–student relationships are supportive and fair, and develop in learning environments where students feel safe, understood and appreciated. At Brigidine teachers affirm the belief that all students can experience success by maintaining high expectations, modelling expected behaviours and responding to students’ needs. 


Appropriate teacher-student relationships are characterised by professionalism, respect, and clear boundaries. By upholding these principles, teachers can foster positive, effective, and respectful relationships with their students. Our girls are advised to seek advice from a trusted adult (parent, guardian, counsellor) if they have problems with a teacher. 



Julie Norman

Assistant Principal