

"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all."

— Dale Carnegie

Dear Brigidine Community,


Celebrating Fatherhood at Brigidine

Happy Father’s Day! Last Friday, Brigidine College was privileged to welcome 300 fathers, grandfathers, and father figures to our annual Father’s Day Mass & Breakfast. This event not only celebrated the day but also honoured the profound influence you have on your daughters. Your love, guidance, and unwavering belief in them shape their futures and the essence of who they are becoming. As I mentioned during the event, the words of Jim Valvano ring true: "My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." This belief is the foundation upon which your daughters build their lives, empowering them to dream, overcome, and succeed. Thank you to everyone who made this occasion memorable, and to all the fathers who continue to be pillars of support in their daughters’ lives.


Year 10 Combined Colleges Dance

Our Year 10 students recently enjoyed a vibrant evening at the Combined Colleges Year 10 Dance, filled with lively conversations, great food, and enthusiastic dancing. A special thanks goes to our Year 11 students, who expertly organised the event, and to our dedicated staff—Sarah Charles, Nikki McWhirter, Maeve Hurley, and Matt Tichelaar—who volunteered to supervise. Your efforts ensured a night to remember.


College Vision, Mission, and Values

After two years of thoughtful collaboration, our staff have been diligently crafting the College’s Vision, Mission, and Values. I recently shared the progress of this crucial work with the Parent Engagement and Advisory Committee (PEAC). Once the PEAC provides its final endorsement, we will proudly present these guiding principles to the broader community. These values will steer everything we do at Brigidine, shaping our future with purpose and passion.


Year 12 Trial Examinations

Our Year 12 students have completed their Trial Examinations, a period that tested them both mentally and physically. Teachers have now been engaged with unpacking each section of the papers with the girls, highlighting achievements and areas for further improvement. Let’s continue to support our girls as they approach the final stretch of their schooling journey, encouraging them to dig deep and finish strong.


Celebrating Excellence

We are thrilled to announce that Amelia Halonkin has received the Archbishop’s Award for Student Excellence. This prestigious award recognises her significant contributions to her Parish and the broader community. Congratulations, Amelia—your dedication is an inspiration to us all.


Market Day Success

Our Year 10 Commerce students recently transformed lunchtime into a lively marketplace during Market Day, showcasing their creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. Special thanks to Mr. Matthew Mellsop and our HSIE teachers for guiding our students to such impressive outcomes.


Announcing Our 2025 Student Leaders

The selection process for our 2025 Student Leaders is in full swing. I’m delighted to announce the following successful applicants:

  • College Captain: Isla Dindial
  • College Vice Captain: Julia Vega Carmona
  • Faith & Charism Captain: Sophia Visser
  • Social Justice Captain: Zoe Delevande Vasconcelos
  • Arts & Culture Captain: Mia Sergio
  • Sports Captain: Emma Hammann
  • SRC Captain: Isila Pang
  • Sustainability Captain: Poppy Hogan

This week, we will focus on selecting our House Captains. Applicants will share their vision through video nominations, which will be viewed by all students in their respective Houses. The successful House Captains will be announced on Friday afternoon.


Athletic Success: SCS Championships

Our SCS Brigidine Athletics Team shined at the SCS Athletics Championships, showcasing their talent, determination, and school spirit. These incredible athletes gave it their all, representing Brigidine with immense pride.


CCC Netball Championships

Our Junior and Intermediate Netball Teams demonstrated outstanding skill and teamwork at the CCC Netball Championships in Penrith. Despite facing fierce competition, their unwavering spirit and determination were truly commendable. While the results didn’t fall in our favour, we are incredibly proud of these girls for their remarkable talent and for representing Brigidine with honour. Their efforts have set a strong foundation for future success.


HSC Showcase: Wednesday, 4 September

Join us this Wednesday for an inspiring evening as we support our Year 12 Creative and Performing Arts and Technologies students in showcasing their HSC works. Starting at 5:00pm, you’ll have the opportunity to explore impressive Major Works from our Visual Arts and Design Technologies students. Following that, we’ll enjoy captivating performances by our Drama and Music students. Don’t miss this chance to witness the incredible talent of our students and to celebrate their hard work and creativity.


Looking forward to another amazing term ahead.


Warm regards,

Sharyn Quirk
