Principal's Report

Little Shop of Horrors

Our production of Little Shop of Horrors last week was fantastic. I have no doubt that those who were fortunate enough to get a ticket to the event would have been incredibly impressed with the standard of the performances from our students.


I would like to congratulate and acknowledge all of the students for their wonderful performances. Their dedication in learning their roles, practicing and working as a strong team not only ensured they were prepared for opening night, but has given them a learning experience that will stay with them for the rest of their life. I have no doubt that their experience in the production has pushed and challenged each of them to achieve things that they didn’t think was possible when they auditioned. This is a wonderful example of the Brentwood co-curricular program helping shape our students and ensuring they are future ready.


The production would not have been possible without an amazing team of staff, parents and volunteers. Their passion for the performing arts and giving our students a first-class experience is second to none. On behalf of the school community, I would like to thank each of them for their contribution. The school is incredibly proud of everyone involved!

VASSP Conference

Last week the Principal Team engaged in a two-day professional learning program at the annual Victorian Association of State Secondary Principals Conference. 

We were lucky to hear from a number of speakers across the two days. Some of which challenged our thinking by stretching our beliefs about the skills and knowledge our students will need in the future, whilst others were able to provide us with some new knowledge and skills of our own that we can take back to school and action immediately. We heard from a range of speakers including: Dr Judy Newman (Neuro-science), Cameron Schwab (Leadership in the Arena), Dr Helen Popovic (Boost your brain) and Malcom Dix (Collaborative Environments). 

All speakers left us with a lot to take back to our staff in the coming weeks!

PIVOT Survey 

Over the next week or so, students will again be given the opportunity to ‘have a voice’ and provide their teachers with feedback on their learning experience in the classroom by completing a short survey. This process was also undertaken earlier in the year. The feedback from the students to the teachers has been used, along with other information, for teachers to make adjustments to their practice so that we are better meeting the needs of our students in the classroom. From a school perspective these surveys help our teachers become even better, but it also demonstrates to our students that learning is a life-long endeavour with our teachers always looking to get a better understanding of their students so that they can then learn how to better improve their knowledge and skills.  


Dean Korlos

Associate Principal