Just Dance Club

Join us each fortnight as we take a closer look at one of the recess and lunchtime clubs on offer.
This week, we visited the Just Dance Club, run by the Year Three teaching team.
In this club, students have lots of fun dancing with their friends. It is also a great club to make some new friends. While in this club students get to show off their best dance moves as they follow along with the prompts on the screen, allowing for them to practice their active engagement and sequencing skills.
You will find Just Dance Club for Timetable B in 3H's classroom on Monday recess and will be hosted by Mrs Adams, Mrs Young, Miss Seinfeld, Miss Stretton, Miss Vines or Mr Vivoda.
If you're on Timetable A, Just Dance Club is held on Thursday lunchtime in 3C's classroom and is hosted by Mr Failla, Mrs Niven, Mrs Vijay, Mrs Puri, Mrs Taylor or Mr Stephens.