Year Five

Dear Year Five families,
Term Three is in full swing, and we've already had a busy few weeks! We've had the pleasure of celebrating Jeans for Genes Day, Science Week, and Bullying No Way Week. Each event provided wonderful opportunities for our students to engage in meaningful activities and discussions.
We're excited to share our Book Week fun. This is always a highlight of the term, culminating in our Book Day Parade, where students celebrate their love of reading by dressing up as their favourite book characters.
Here's a brief overview of what the students have been doing in each subject:
Students have been diving into the world of journalism, exploring newspaper articles and different types of news. This has led to them becoming budding journalists, writing their own newspaper articles. They’ve been conducting personal interviews with family or friends to share immigration stories in a news report.
In Numeracy, Students have been focusing on fractions and decimals. Using tools like fraction walls, number lines, and decimats, they are mastering key concepts such as comparing and ordering unit fractions, adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator, and extending their understanding of the place value system to include decimals.
Students have been wrapping up their unit focused on the central idea that "Migration may be a response to challenges and opportunities." The students recently participated in an exciting incursion where guest speakers shared their personal immigration stories. This was a valuable experience, helping to deepen their understanding of the challenges and journeys that people face when moving to a new country. These stories were presented by some of our own parent community and we thank them for taking time out of their busy schedule to share their stories with us.
Important Reminders
- On PE days and Fridays, students are permitted to wear their sports uniform. Students must be in their full academic uniform on the other days.
- Our school day commences at 8:30am and students will be welcomed into the classroom each day from 8.20am, which will give them time to prepare for their day ahead. Any student who arrives after 8.40am needs to sign in at the office and obtain a late pass.
- Student absences must be marked on XUNO as soon as possible by a parent or carer.
- Please ensure your students get in the habit of charging their laptops overnight so that they are ready to be used for learning during the school day.
- In September, our Year Five students will be participating in the ‘Talk About It’ program run by The Life Ed Van. The program is designed to help support students to explore the concept of identity, develop safe and respectful relationships, and understand and manage the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty. Please ensure you approve and pay for this incursion via Xuno.
Have a lovely weekend.
-The Year Five team