Year Two

Dear Year Two Community,
Our students have been embracing some exciting adjustments to our learning program, and engaging with a number of special events happening at school and in the wider world community.
We are encouraged by and grateful for more active participation and support from the parent community in the rollout of our Reading Hour program.
In Inquiry the students have been wrapping up their Unit of Inquiry 4 investigations. The students have been researching ecosystems, in particular the features of diverse geographical locations in Australia and abroad. While investigating, they considered the benefits and challenges of living in these places, and how we can care for the environment in these locations. We enjoyed going on our Bus excursion where we had the opportunity to explore 3 local areas; Point Cook Coastal Park, Altona Coastal Park and Cherry Lake.
In Writing, the students have been exploring how to present their research findings from Inquiry in the form of Information Reports.
They have also continued to develop their writing process enthusiastically through the implementation of our Writer's Workshop model, which is having an encouraging impact on the students motivation to plan, draft, and publish effective pieces.
In Reading, the students have been exploring approaches to questioning before, during and after reading texts. This has supported the children to think about the books and articles they read, and develop deeper understanding about both what they read, and why they read.
In Mathematics, the students have begun to explore what multiplication is. They have investigated and creatively presented how multiplication is repeated addition, and how to show their thinking with real objects, using pictorial representations, and as equations.
Science Week
The students were able to attend an incursion this past Friday of various examples of native Australian wildlife. The presenter shared facts about each animal, and some students were able to hold or touch the animals as a part of the experience.
Tunnelball Competition and Team Building
To coincide with the Olympic and Paralympic games, and to support the students team building and resilience skills, we have been holding a cross-cohort Tunnelball competition. The students have demonstrated improved awareness of the importance of effective and respectful teamwork, as well as demonstrating sportspersonship.
Book Week
This week, students have participated in a series of book week related activities in class. our leading teachers and assistant principals have also presented live read-alouds of their favourite books for students during recess breaks. the week of celebrations culminated in our book week parade on Friday morning.
- Students are expected to bring their satchel to school every day filled with their take-home reading books, diary, and homework book.
- Students are expected to bring their fully charged iPad to school every day.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered onto XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
- Book Week Parade is Friday the 23rd of August. Students are encouraged to dress up as a character from their favourite story to celebrate Book Week.