
Dear Prep families,
Wow! We’ve had an amazing couple of weeks in Prep! The preps have been very busy improving their reading, writing skills and their maths knowledge. We’ve also had both Book Week and Science Week which has been a fun and engaging time for the students.
Book Week
Each year, Saltwater bursts with excitement and creativity with Book Week! This year the theme was 'Reading Is Magic' and it was a huge success! The students got to use the power of imagination and the joy of reading to dress up as their favourite book character. It was so great to see so many students dressed as their favourite book characters and the preps had so much fun during the Book Week costume parade.
During Science Week, the preps participated in a science experiment which involved making ice cream in a bag, by mixing ice, salt and milk. This experiment was so much fun and the preps enjoyed conducting this experiment outside and eating what they made.
In Reading, the preps have been learning to identify the features of fiction and non-fiction texts, with a focus on information texts about living things and their habitats, which links to the unit of inquiry, ‘understanding the needs and wants of living things’. The students have enjoyed reading the information texts as they’re designed to convey factual information about the animals that they have chosen and it provides them with the opportunity to learn more about the living things that the students are interested in.
Students have been exploring a range of topics about living things from information texts which have provided the preps with not only factual information about the living things, but also the structure to present it as a non fiction text using sub headings like diet, habitat, etc. The students have been writing sentences utilising adjectives to describe the living things and their habitats. We are so proud of the work they have done, so far, to create their information reports.
In Maths, we have continued to explore the concept of trusting the count to enhance their counting skills. The students have been engaging in number talks as a class to work on their vocabulary and to practise representing numbers in a variety of ways.
Cyber Safety
During cyber safety lessons, the students continued to learn about making good choices and poor choices when using technology. A major focus has been reinforcing the importance of asking permission before using technology and ensuring that they’re only using technology that has been approved by a teacher or parent/guardian.
Prep Wellbeing
In the past two weeks, in Wellbeing, students have learnt about being the same and being different, understanding that different people have different likes and dislikes. Our Prep students have explored the similarities and differences between each other. They learnt that preferences for games, clothes, and colours are not specific to gender.
- Please ensure your child’s iPad is charged and brought to school every day.
- Snack and lunch times are 20 minutes long. Please encourage your child to eat their snack/lunch within a 20-minute period, as this will help them to follow the school routine.
- Please remember to pack a spare change of clothes for your child. Sometimes, little children can have toileting accidents and spills at school.
- Late arrivals (8:40 am onwards) require a late pass from the office.
- If your child is absent, please ensure the reason is entered on XUNO; if you need support with this please reach out to the office staff or your classroom teacher.
- Prep Wildlife Xposure Incursion, payments due by Monday 26 August.
Kind regards,
The Prep Team.