News from 5H

What a wonderful start to Term 3 we have had in 5H! Here are a few highlights we have enjoyed this term so far.
This term we have completed an author study of the books written and illustrated by Gus Gordon. Gus is a Sydney based author and illustrator to some of our favourite picture books in year five. Wendy, Somewhere Else, Herman and Rose and Finding Francois to name a few.
Over the past few weeks we have focused on learning about the themes, messages and illustrations in Gus’ books and used our knowledge to create our very own collage based illustrations.
Out of the 16 collages created Evan P and Mimi M’s collage was chosen to present to Gus Gordon when he visited St Finbar’s.
We were very lucky to have Gus come in and speak to us on Tuesday the 20th of August about his journey to becoming an author and illustrator. Here are some of the things 5H loved learning about Gus Gordon.
- Evan P: I loved making the collage and presenting it to Gus because it was fun to have a few hours to be creative.
- Lachie K: I liked meeting Gus Gordon because he was very interesting and he illustrated a picture of a sloth on an island oasis, he created a lot of texture using sharpie.
- Leo K: I liked how Gus drew an example of his illustrations. I have learnt how most authors don’t dream up their ideas and they are more of a daydreamers.
- Emilia M: I liked when Gus came to visit and illustrated the sloth in front and I liked reading his books because his books are entertaining and fun to read.
- Emily L: I liked learning about collage knowing that a drawing doesn’t have to perfect. When Gus came to school it was fun to see what a career is like for an author.
- Oscar G: I loved making the collages and learning about Wendy, it was my favourite book and it was funny. Finding Francois was a good book because it had the perspective of two characters.
- Claire: I liked hearing when Gus said that there were lots of creativity inside people especially when you’re young and I loved seeing photos of Gus’ studio.