Religious Education

Year 4 Family Mass
A reminder that our Year 4 community will be celebrating a Family Mass together this Saturday, August 24 @ 5:30 pm.
Gospel Reflection - Sunday, August 25th
Gospel Reading
John 6:60-69
Simon Peter confesses his faith that Jesus alone has the words of the eternal life.
Family Connection
When a child is baptised, the parents speak on behalf of the child in professing the faith in which the child is to be baptised. The parents promise to teach their child this faith so that they may one day accept this faith as his or her own. In the example of Simon Peter, we learn that each person must also make his or her own profession of faith in Jesus as the one sent by God to save us. We pray for our children as they mature in the faith that they may learn that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life and that they may choose to follow the way of Christian discipleship.
As you gather as a family, talk about promise that parents make at their child’s baptism to teach their child about Jesus and the faith of the Church. Talk about the importance of this promise to your family and about some of the things that you are doing to try to honor this commitment. In today’s Gospel, we hear Simon Peter speak about what he has come to believe about Jesus. Together read today’s Gospel, John 6:60-69. Pray together that each person in our family will grow in his or her faith that Jesus is the one sent by God who alone has the words of eternal life.
Pray together the Apostles’ Creed or the Nicene Creed.
Steele Anderson
Deputy Principal / RE Leader