Principal's Report

St Finbar's Arts Festival
I think we can safely say that today's art show was a huge success. Once again, the school had a happy, positive feel as all members of our community came together to celebrate the great things happening in the Arts at St Finbar's. The hall was completely transformed into an art gallery with an impressive variety of art all of a very high standard. We certainly have some talented student artists here at St Finbar’s.
I'd like to say a huge thank you to Lisa Douglas who has been preparing for today's arts festival all year, collecting and collating over 1000 pieces of art. It is a testament to her skills as an art teacher, and her dedication to the students and our school were evident today. The children of St Finbar’s are very lucky to have Lisa as their art teacher.
We also need to thank Susan Williams who coordinated the Performing Arts aspect of our Arts Festival, including choir, band and buskers. Today's festival was a true community event. This morning we had residents from two different aged care homes visit us, closely followed by children from a local kindergarten. We also had parishioners join us after Mass this morning.
Of course we need to make mention of the many, many helpers who also helped out with the preparations and set up, both staff and parents. Thanks also to Kate Blake and Anna and her team in the canteen who kept everyone fed this afternoon.
Swimming Program
Our Swimming program starts next week. By now, you should have all the information you need through Operoo and/or your class teachers. Parents are more than welcome to attend the swimming lessons, though are required to sit in the grandstand area of the pool and are not allowed to enter the pool deck at any time. Please see the Deputy Principal page of this newsletter for some tips on how to support your child to have a successful school swimming experience.
Father's Day Stall
Our Father's Day will be held over two days this year due to the swimming program. Some classes will be visiting the stall on Thursday afternoon (29th Aug) and some classes will visit on the Friday morning (Fri 30th). If your child needs to visit the stall early for whatever reason, please let us know and we'll arrange this.
Baby Congratulations
Congratulations to the Barker family on the recent birth of your son and brother Rafferty Michael Frank Barker. Daisy (Prep P) looks as if she is loving her new role as big sister.
National AeroSchools Championships
We're excited to announce that all 17 of our Aerobics competitors have taken up the offer to compete in the Nationals on the Gold Coast on the 3rd and 4th October. This was a development that we didn't see coming when we first offered our students the opportunity to participate. To support our teams we are planning a couple of fundraising events over the next few weeks.
Take care.
Michelle Hill,