Upcoming School Events
Friday 6th Lightening Premier Cricket
Friday 6th Grade 1/2 Excursion
Thursday 12th St Brendan's Art Show
Friday 20th Sausage Sizzle hosted by Theircare
Friday 20th Term 3 Concludes 3.15pm
Monday 7th Term Four Commences
Tuesday 8th Whole School and Graduation Photos
Wednesday 9th Division Athletics
Thursday 17th Crazy Sock Day
Thursday 17th Whole School Mass - Cry of the Earth 11.30am (All Welcome)
Friday 25th AFL Girls and Netball Boys 5/6's
Monday 4th School Closure Day
Thursday 7th School Disco
Mon 11th - Fri 15th Year 3-6 Swimming Program
Thursday 21st Padua Orientation Day
Mon 25th - Fri 29th Junior Swimming Program
Thursday 5th Whole School Mass - End of Year
Friday 6th Whole School Transition 11.30am
Monday 9th Beach Program Year 3 - 6
Wed 11th Year 6 Graduation Mass
Thurs 12th Final Assembly & Carols at Padua
Fri 13th Year 6 Breakfast and Big Day Out
Tues 17th Last Day for Students