Learning and Teaching

Green Team

The Green Team braved the blustery conditions on Friday afternoon to complete some tasks in Brendan’s Garden. 


Every week, the Green Team begin their session with a walk around Brendan’s Garden, observing any changes or growth in the garden beds. This week, the students were excited to see the cauliflower had begun to form small heads and the broccolini and cabbages were ready to be harvested. Also, the broad beans and brussel sprouts are growing well in the windy conditions.


The team then split into groups and worked hard planting, harvesting and watering. The planting involved sowing bulbs that the students had potted up last term, as well as some corn and pumpkin that had grown from seeds the students had sown in July. Harvesting is always the favourite task for the Green Team and regardless of whether the students like to eat cabbage or broccoli, they still want to pick and take some home. Maureen assisted the students in harvesting the produce and the smiles on the students’ faces as they picked and pulled the fresh vegetables was satisfying.


The final task was watering the freshly planted corn and pumpkin seedlings. The students observed the lack of moisture in the soil due to the low rainfall during the winter months and were keen to give the plants a drink. All the seedlings were given a thorough soaking and we hope they survive the wind over the coming week. 

Look at the photos attached of the students working hard, learning and having fun at the same time.