Principal Update

Thursday 5 October
Dear Families,
Welcome to Term 4. I hope our school community enjoyed the recent break and had the chance to spend quality time with family and friends. It has been nice seeing the staff and students connecting again and sharing what they got up to. We are looking forward to an exciting term with lots of special events taking place. Please check Compass regularly to keep up with upcoming events.
Thanks to our families for being prepared today for our first swimming session. It was certainly busy with buses coming and going throughout the day. Thanks to Kate Watkins for her organisation and coordination – always a massive task but one that is so vitally important. A reminder for families to ensure all items are clearly labelled.
Staffing update
Scott Kircher is in Nepal making his way to base camp at Mt Everest and for this week and next the students of 34S are being taught by Brett Greene. Brett has been a student teacher with us this year and is enjoying being with the class.
We welcome back Riaane Comport after her long service leave last term exploring our beautiful country and thank Natalie Woodgate for all her efforts providing continuity for the students of 12A.
During the break, Janaki Hemmett informed us that she is not going to be returning. Fortunately for us Amy Clyne is able to continue teaching Auslan to our students and has already an established rapport with the students from last term.
AFL Roadshow
This is happening next Monday. Students are encouraged to wear free dress to show support of their favourite sporting teams - I will be in black and white! Students have already enjoyed the special footy day lunch when this event was initially postponed. Fingers crossed the weather is kind on Monday
This event requires consent and payment via Compass. A reminder will go out today if you haven’t yet done so from last term.
Local walking excursions
There may be times when staff and students wish to go for a walk down to the Preschool and/or to Blackhill Reserve this term. Families will be notified when this would take place. Please provide consent for staff to be able to do this during 2023 if you haven’t yet done so from earlier in the year via this link.
Saturday October 14 – Voice Referendum
Our school will be a place where you will be able to have your vote for the upcoming referendum.
We will be having a barbeque and are looking for volunteers to assist and for donations of baked goods to sell for a cake stall. If you are able to assist please provide a list of ingredients. Keep an eye out for more information.
Local Marrung Campfire Conversation Event
On behalf of our EDEC schools, of which Menzies Creek is one, Emerald SC is hosting EDEC’s first Campfire Conversation Event on Wednesday 18th October 6-7.30pm – flyer attached. Campfire Conversations cultivate self-determination for First Nations people in education.
MCPS School Fang Run - Halloween (Tuesday 31 October 2023).
Run like Zombies are chasing you and raise money for our school at the same time. It's a school fundraiser with a Halloween twist, and it’s sure to get your blood pumping! So, why not sink your fangs into the Colour Fun Fang Run! Please check your compass news feed for more information. Good luck with finding some sponsors.
Transition to 2024
This term we will be conducting a number of transition sessions to support all our students prepare for 2024.
Our new Foundation students will come to school this term on the following days:
- Thursday 5th October (9:30am – 10:30am)
- Wednesday 1st November (9:15am – 11:15am)
- Friday 1st December (9:15am – 1:15pm)
- Tuesday 12th December (9:30am – 3:00pm)
We will hold our Foundation Information Evening on Monday 20th November (6:30pm – 7:30pm)
Our Year 6 students will have their own taster days at the respective secondary schools this term as well as having a statewide transition day on Tuesday 12th December for all government schools.
Our students who will be moving year levels will also have a chance to taste what next year can be expected to bring as we start the process of our internal transition sessions and 2024 class creation. Always a fun time!
Mobile Phones reminder
As you are all aware, students are not to use mobile devices (phones and smartwatches connected to a cellular network) during school hours at any state school in Victoria.
We appreciate that some circumstances require students to carry mobile phones for before and after school use.
Students bringing mobile phones to school need to bring them straight to the MCPS office where they are kept securely and able to be picked up at the end of the day. Please make sure that your child undertakes this process as soon as they arrive at school.
Thanks to the Eagleton family for housing our chickens over the break again. This is greatly appreciated.
School Uniform and being SunSmart
Students are required to be in full school uniform, unless it is celebrating a birthday.
This includes wearing of school hats. Please encourage your child/ren to do this as we don't want to be continually hounding students about it. Also encourage them to look after their hats and ensure they are labelled clearly!
No hat = no play, students will be directed to say under cover to avoid UV
We will have assemblies on the following Fridays at 2:45 this term:
- October 13
- October 27
- November 17
- December 15
Take care,