SJV Art Tour

Dear SJV community,
I hope you all enjoyed taking part in our World Art Tour last Thursday. Each and every SJV student should be proud of the beautiful work they created. I am very grateful for their talent and enthusiasm when it comes to creating works of art, dressing up and having fun! From indigenous digital art, to South American snakes, Mexican mirrors, unique European pieces and adorable Antarctic animals - it all looked fabulous. Thank you to all the people who helped put up the displays and to our principal Mick Schinck for helping to make lots of money to put back into our Visual Arts program. Mrs Hannan had a wonderful idea to have selected students create canvases at home. The theme was "Magic Carpet, take me to..." and all the art produced by the P - 6 students was outstanding! Thank you for the support from all the teachers, LSOs and Mrs Davies in the office who all worked so well together to make our World Art Tour such a success.
Thank you for your continued support of our Arts program.
Gabbi Davoren
Visual Arts and STEAM teacher
Art Show Recount
By Thao
On Thursday the 12th of October, St John Vianney Parkdale held their annual Art Show. The Art Show is a show held every 2 years and all the students of SJV make beautiful art that is put up for display. The theme for this year was Art Around the World.
The Art Show started at 5:00 p.m. and went to 8:00 p.m. When I got there, it was pouring rain.There were already a few people there helping out. There were food trucks there, and it smelled so good. One of the trucks was a Greek food truck, while I think the other one was chips and burgers.
When I went inside, I got handed a travel brochure and a piece of paper that was for the competition. The competition was that we had to find all 6 rabbits and write down their names. The first art section that caught my eye was the South American display. It was a glow in the dark section that looked incredibly good. There was also our collage artwork of South American animals.
I went around and saw chosen people’s artwork. They had to create an artwork based on the theme they were given. The theme was “Magic carpet takes me to…” The artwork was so good, and a lot of people had ideas of where they would love to go. My favourite one was made by Lucien and it was the Aurora Borealis.
When I went into the library, there was a mini loom on display. The students had to create indigenous artwork, which would be put into a slideshow. It was so beautiful and really gave what it was supposed to give, which was, I think, relaxation and reflection. I also saw our suitcase artwork, which looked really good.
One of my favourite parts of the art show was the face painting. It was glow in the dark and it felt really weird on your face. The choir had to perform a song called “How far I’ll go” from Moana. After that was the auction. Mr Schinck held that, and it was very fun to watch. The first piece was our class piece, which was a Native American Feather Headpiece. It went up to 300 dollars, which Kai’s grandma bought. That was the highest selling piece.
I left soon after the auction and went home, but I heard that there was a whole school chicken dance. I wished I would’ve stayed because that would've been funny to watch. But most importantly, this night couldn't have happened without the amazing work of our art teacher, Mrs Davoren. She had put her time and effort into teaching us all of this art, not to mention she spent the whole day displaying our art with all the help she could get. I think everyone enjoyed the night very much, because I know I did.