Religious Education

Welcome back to Term Four   


As mentioned earlier in the newsletter, the students will be inquiring into the concept of relationships. This concept is explored within Religious education classes too.


In Year 5/6, the deep understanding is:

Respectful connections require integrity, empathy and perspective.

In order to understand this concept the students work towards the following:

Explaining the Church’s understanding of human dignity

Interpreting Church teaching on human dignity in relation to spiritual , social, ecological and physical well-being

Reflecting on ways to build just and compassionate relationships


In Year 3/4, the deep understanding is:

Awareness of self and respect for diversity enhances relationships.

In order to understand this concept the students work towards the following:


Explaining free will in the Catholic tradition 

Interpreting the Catholic understanding of rite relationship and its broader significance

Reflecting on choices in light of the catholic understanding or rite relationship


In 1/2 Year the deep understanding is:

Relationships within the human and natural world require communication and nurturing

In order to understand this concept the students work towards the following:

Explaining key scripture stories of Jesus’ forgiveness and compassion in terms of impact on community relationships 

Interpreting the significance of the life and teachings of Jesus for building community today

Reflecting on how actions impact community 

In Prep the deep understanding is: 

Different types of relationships can nurture and challenge us which helps us grow. 

In order to understand this concept the students work towards the following:

Explaining fairness, sharing and compassion in light of the story of Jesus

Interpreting what it means to be a disciple of Jesus

Reflecting on how they could respond to the call of discipleship



Please keep our Confirmation candidates in your prayers as they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at 6 pm at St Bede's this evening.



Have a lovely week
