Deputy Principal 

Welcome back to Term Four. We have an exciting term ahead of us. There are many new dates added to the school calendar page please check it out and add the dates to your diary. The dates of whole school events are;


Save the Date;

13 Oct - St Bede's Maths Day

9 Nov - St Bede's Colour Slime Run

1 Dec - St Bede's Christmas Market

11 Dec - St Bede's Christmas Carols


Term Four Relationships Inquiry 

During this term the children will be inquiring into the concept of relationships and  the Victorian Curriculum area of health.


The deep understandings for each level are;

Prep - Different types of relationships can nurture and challenge us which helps us grow. 

Grade 1/2 - Relationships within the human and natural world require communication and nurturing

Grade 3/4 - Awareness of self and respect for diversity enhances relationships

Grade 5/6 - Respectful connections require integrity, empathy and perspective




NAIDOC WEEK Fundraising for Open The Doors Foundation

Thank you very much for the support of our Open The Doors Foundation (OTDF) Fundraiser during NAIDOC Week. We raised $273.10.  Congratulations to Grade 2S who raised the most money as a class ($36). OTDF uses this money to support First Nations children to equally access education. Below is an excerpt from their current newsletter.


As the Chairperson of this incredible organisation, I’m humbled by the 21% increase to individual students grants over the last two years but it has come at a cost to OTDFs viable future - as donations and funders have reduced due to the current cost of living crisis. 


 Opening The Doors Foundation was founded on the principle of providing equal opportunities and access to education for all, regardless of background or circumstances. Our unwavering commitment to this mission has led us to remarkable achievements over the past year. We have witnessed the transformational power of education in the lives of those we support. From grants that enable bright minds to pursue their dreams to community initiatives that uplift First Nations students. 


Our success would not be possible without the dedication and support of our incredible team, partners, and donors. Your unwavering belief in our mission and your continuous support have fuelled our progress and enabled us to reach new heights. Together, we have created a network of change-makers who are shaping a brighter future for First Nations children. 


Our goal remains steadfast: to open doors that were previously closed, and to provide opportunities that can transform lives. In the coming months, you can expect to hear more success stories and opportunities for you to get involved and make a difference. Thank you for your ongoing support, your dedication to our mission, and your belief in the power of education to change lives. Together, we are truly opening doors and building a better world.


Vicki Clark OAM - Chair OTDF

Excerpt from the Open The Doors Foundation Newsletter





I acknowledge the traditional owners of this land; past, present & emerging the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.