Assistant Principal's Page

Robyn Petty

Focus of the Week:  

Week 7 - We Show Our Best Behaviour On Excursions.  At this time of the year there are quite a few excursions taking place.  It is important to remember that when we are visiting places with our school, we should always display our best manners.  Being polite and respectful of the people and places we are visiting is always a priority, as well as being mindful of the reputation of our school.  Our actions and the way we interact with all connected with our environment say a lot about how we value ourselves and our school.  People appreciate it when we use our manners and are always happy to have us return for future visits.

Please remember to:

  • Always be polite when we are on an excursion
  • Always use ‘please, thank you’ when we speak to others: when we ask for something, when someone does something for us or when we want someone to do something for us.
  • Always listen to teacher instructions
  • Always follow directions.
  • Stay together as a group.
  • Listen when someone is speaking and use our manners when we ask questions.
  • Remember our school rules when we are out of the school.
  • Always treat all people we meet on an excursion with respect.
  • Don’t forget to put your rubbish in the bin or take it with you!

Week 8- We are Respectful: For the last three weeks of the year, we will be focusing on 

our School Rules: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe.  This week we are looking at what ‘We Are Respectful’ looks like, sounds like and feels like.  To be Respectful, we need to look at our actions and our words that we use towards other people, and reflect on these.  Would I be comfortable if others were speaking to me and treating me this way?  Would I feel respected as a person? How can we act and speak that lets others know that we understand they are just as important a person as I am, and we are all equal in God’s eyes. 


Please remember:

  • Each person has the right to feel respected by others in the classroom and on the playground.  
  • What we say and what we do shows our respect for others.
  • Using language that is hurtful is not respectful.  
  • Be careful when choosing your words.
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated.
  • Kind actions show respect.
  • Leaving people out of games or making them feel uncomfortable is not respectful.

Carols In The Courtyard:  

We are looking forward to our Carols In the Courtyard  next Tuesday evening, 5th December, commencing at 6.30pm.  Students in each Grade have been working hard at learning their carol and adding movements as they get ready for this lovely performance.  Please check the notes that have gone home on Compass for details on costumes, times and entry points.  Congratulations to Mrs Anne Allan and Mrs Marianne Niven for all the hard work they have put in to producing such a clever and entertaining script for the night, and for all their time and effort in preparing the students for this special evening.  Please bring all your family along to enjoy this performance. It will be so lovely to see all our McAuley families together to celebrate the end of a very busy and rewarding year. 


Lost Property: If you are missing any items of uniform clothing from your family, could you please ask your children to have a look at the Lost Property to see if any of the huge number of items that are still there could belong to your family. All of these items do not have names on them, or have names of children who have left and handed down their clothing.  Mrs Catherine Garnon does an amazing job of reconnecting lost clothing with their owners, when she is able to find a name on the item!  Please help us to have no more 'Lost Property' by the end of next week! Any clothing left unclaimed at the end of the School year will be donated to the Clothing Pool.


Grade Celebration Days:  Over the next two weeks our Grades will be organising the Grade Celebration Day activities.  Most notes will come home through Compass, please look out for them so you are aware of what activities your child’s grade will be doing to celebrate their achievements this year.  Each Grade will choose an appropriate form of Reward activity and the cost has already been covered. There will be lots of fun activities from the Movies to playground visits and even the Blayney pool!  Please be aware of what day these activities are happening so children come to school in the appropriate clothes and with the items they require for the day.


“No Hat, No Play!” With only two weeks to go, our weather is still playing strange games with us, but when the sun is out, it is very warm! Please remember to send a hat to school with your children every day and put sunscreen on them before they come to school.  Keeping our children safe is always our priority, therefore children without hats will be asked to stay in covered areas. 


Wishing you a great week!

Robyn Petty