3/4 SV
Week 3, Term 4
3/4 SV
Week 3, Term 4
On Tuesday last week we were lucky to have some teaching students from Monash University come and visit our school, to teach us about sustainability. They provided us with lots of creative and hands on activities, designed to make us think deeper about sustainability and the difference we can make in the world.
Over the next two weeks our maths focus will be on chance and probability. You can support your children at home by having discussions about chance events and using chance language such as, likely, unlikely, certain, possible and impossible. An example may be when talking about the weather you could ask your children what the chance of rain might be for that day.
Wednesday in maths we played a simple probability game called ‘Heads and Tails’. In pairs students decided who was heads and who was tails. Students then flipped a coin to see whether it lands as heads or tails. If it landed on heads, the person who was heads got to place a counter on the game board, but if it was tails they missed out. Game play continues until one person is first to get all their counters on the board.