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Sustainability Fair

Last week the students were involved in a sustainability fair that was oragnised by Monash University. University students who are training to be teachers created hands on activities designed to teach students all about being sustainable. This experienced allowed the university students to gain such fantastic experience with their explicit teaching and use of educational resources as well as give our students the opportunity to explore what it means to live sustainably. Some of the students favourite activities were learning which bins to place certain products; landfill, green waste or recycling in a fun hands on board-game, Learning how far their fruit and vegetable travel to get to the supermarket then planting their own seeds to grow their own foods and designing a nude food lunchbox with no rubbish inside.

Look at all the fantastic activities they were able to experience.



Over the past week the children have been exploring Capacity; the maximum amount that something can contain. The students have explored using different items to find the capacity of a container, then discussed that if we want to compare the capacity of an object we must all use the same items to fill our containers with. 

We explored filling the container correctly to the top and not overfilling our containers as this would not give us the correct answer. 

The students then compared the capacity of containers and ordered them from the container that holds the least to the container that can hold the most. 

Students found it interesting that different shape and sized containers hold different amounts and that a thin tall container may hold less than a short wide container.