6 TG

Education in Faith
The past few weeks we have been learning about the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit. The students have been looking at these terms and relating them to their own lives.
On the 29th of October, 11 students will be participating in the sacrament of Confirmation. All grade 6 students have been working hard on researching and creating a poster on a chosen Saint. We are looking forward to another visit from Father Chinua tomorrow afternoon, where we will discuss more areas about Confirmation.
John Paul College Lightning Premiership
It was a great day down at John Paul College, where students played either Soccer, Netball, or Newcombe. Well done to everyone for participating and giving it their best go! We are always proud of our students and how well they represent our school at these events!
Reading groups
All students are well settled into their reading group activities. Most groups have been participating in literature circles. This allows students to dive into a novel and anaylse the text. Students have also been enjoying listening to reading activities, where instead of reading a text to a podcast and answer detailed questions to go with it.
We have just finished a unit on Patterns and Algebra. This unit really allowed the students to work collaboratively with peers to find a solution to the problem. It has been fantastic to watch the students using the vertical learning boards to record all of their thinking.
The next few weeks we are shifting our focus to measurement. We have started looking at area and perimeter.
We hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Miss Tamara and Miss Georgia