Principal's Report

Saint Francis Xavier - Principal's Report
Term 4 - Week 3
Dear Parents and Friends of St Francis Xavier,
How nice is this sunshine!
I would firstly like to say a huge thank you to Lendlease, who are the company in charge of the design and construction of the Frankston Hospital redevelopment. On Monday of this week, over 20 of their employees spent the majority of their day spreading mulch, topping up sand pits and giving the school a general tidy. This was all done on a voluntary basis and saved the school significant money. We really appreciate this extremely generous offer.
School Review
Today we welcomed Sheridan Coverdale to our school. Sheridan is conducting our external School Review, which is a process that all MACS Catholic primary schools are required to go through once every four years.
The focus of today's visit was to ensure our compliance with both Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority requirements and also to the Child Safety Standards. We were pleased that Sheridan's feedback in both of these key areas was extremely complimentary.
Sheridan will now return to school on both Thursday 26th October and Thursday 2nd November. She will meet with various groups and stakeholders to discuss and provide feedback on everything and anything about St Francis Xavier Primary School. This will include staff, a wide variety of student groups, Father Chinua and also a group representing our parent community. We are hoping that 5 or 6 parents will volunteer to be part of the parent feedback group, who will meet with Sheridan on Thursday 2nd November from 9:15am - 9:55am. If you would like to attend, I would love for you to email me and let me know.
Pick Up Time
I would like to remind families that all students are expected to be collected from school between 3:15pm and 3:30pm. This term, I am noticing that a larger number of students than usual are yet to be collected by 3:30pm.
A teacher is rostered to be on yard duty supervising students until 3:30pm. After this time, staff meetings begin and our administration staff are extremely busy with the end of day tasks. It is extremely challenging for us to manage large groups of students who remain at school after the pick-up time passes.
If you are finding that your children are regularly waiting at the front of the school with a staff member when you arrive to collect them, and not at the Green Gates, this means that you are arriving after 3:30pm. If this is the case, I ask you to consider booking your child into the Camp Australia after school program.
From time to time, there will be unexpected hold ups and we understand you may be running late to pick up your child. This is perfectly understandable, however if this happens could you please give the office a call to let us know how late you will be.
Gaga Pit
We are extremely hopeful that the temporary fencing will come down at some stage next week so that the first game in the gaga pit can commence! Unfortunately there have been unexpected delays this week, however good things come to those who wait ;)
Upcoming School Closure Day
A reminder that the school will be closed on Monday 6th November. No students can attend school on this day.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Steve Peart
School Principal