Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight

Junior Years

Mrs Caldow:

Henry Fairgrey for consistently working hard at his table and taking care with his work. Well done Henry!

Ella Di Clemente for sharing all of her wonderful experiences from 

Ashfest with our class.

It was wonderful to see how much you enjoyed your time, Ella!

Miss Turk:

Max Corboy for doing his best to stay on task this week. 

Well done, Max!

Laura Doyle for trying her best with her writing this week. 

Keep it up, Laura.

Mr Morrison:

Ace Miller for being a great helper around the class. 

Keep up the awesome work. 

Aryan Chandran for great letter and sound recognition during Finger Gym.

Mrs Weber:

Ben Zurawski for taking great pride in his writing. 

His letter formation and content is terrific. Fantastic work Ben!

Elodie Sargeant for her wonderful reading and 

writing efforts using the mentor text “Floof’.

Miss Finn:

Achai Riak for learning about area, producing an excellent “grid character” and 

counting how many cm² accurately. 

Marcus Hardy for being creative in his story writing and having a go.

Mr Maskell:

Adut Wundit for working hard in her reading and developing her fluency.

Connor Van Houts for trying hard to stay on the lines while handwriting.

Mr Andronaco:

Noah McManus for his great work during his handwriting activities. 

Agnes Orr for a great job in improving her reading. 

Miss Sidebottom:

Sadie Kelly for her fantastic handwriting and persuasive pieces.

Violet Richardson for her persistence with magic words and awesome handwriting

Middle Years:

Mr O'Hara:

Milan Biju for being the first in the class to complete his 12 multiplication tables. 

Super effort Milan!

Olivia Caruana for completing all her multiplication tables and creating an amazing picture story book. Sensational work Olivia!

Mr Secchi:

Max D’Alessandro for the attitude towards your learning during maths and 

recognising when you work best! 

Keep up the great work, Max!

Abel Morey for all the creative effort you put into your work, 

especially during literacy sessions. 

You’re illustrations and story telling have really improved this year! 

Keep up the great work, Abel!

Mr Renato:

Gar Gar for practising and mastering his 2s,5s and 10s multiplication facts.

Well-done Gar continue to try to learn more facts. 

Addison Lawler for completing her picture story adding in suspense and following a sequence of events. Great effort Addison. 

Mrs Dainton:

Karl for his attention to detail in all his class work. 

His leadership skills are coming to the front and his positive attitude pervades in the classroom for all to see and hear.

Well Done Karl !

Lucy Mills for her outstanding picture book she has created. 

Lucy used all her strategies and her own creativity to publish a fantastic book.

Well Done Lucy !

Mr Howley:

Ryan for his continued high level performance. 

His illustrations in his reflection on our ‘Feelings in Books” session, were

expressive and detailed.

Bernie for his very good creation of his picture story book, ’The Comeback King”. 

His creative idea and endeavour to finish it was praiseworthy.

Senior Years

Mr Beks:

Patrick Segrave for showing high intelligence and completing his learning tasks, always trying to do his best work in all learning areas. 


Domenique Formica for being a shining light in the classroom, always portraying a positive attitude and treating others very kindly.

Mr Lindon:

Jasmine Cholor always coming to school with a smile on her face, and a positive energy. 

Well done Jasmine!

Miles Rowlands for always entertaining his peers and being very funny. 

Mr Iorianni:

Adior Riak for completing some amazing work in maths. 

Adior showed some fantastic skills and creativity to create a clock during our ‘TIME’ unit of work. Keep applying yourself and producing work to this quality. 

Well done, Adior.

Harman Kellett for blowing us all away with his ICT, acting and creativity to put together a game. He created an insightful video to introduce the class to a game he came up with. We all enjoyed playing too. Thanks for your application to the task, Harman!


Mrs Baldacchino/Miss Casey:

Katie Hamilton fordemonstrating exceptional creativity and thought as she engaged in the Seasons of Creation competition. 

Your creativity is inspirational, well done Katie!

Harrison Gooiker for showing exceptional maturity and determination when 

approaching all learning tasks. 

He has been highly motivated and engaged in everything he does. 

Well done Harrison!