Communication at RNSS

Hello everyone,
Welcome to our first communication piece in our newsletter. Throughout the year, we will include photos, information, ideas and ways about how we use communication throughout our day at school and why it is so very important in all of our lives. We would love to hear how you communicate as a family, please feel free to send us any photos you would like to share. We hope you enjoy our first article on communication and look forward to supporting your child through their learning journey at Rockhampton North Special School.
Communication is such a large part of our day at school. We use communication in all aspects of our learning throughout the day. To promote and develop our communication skills we use tools and devices such as yes and no cards, Proloquo2Go, visuals and alphabet charts. There are many other ways to communicate which we will include in the coming newsletters. Here are some photos of us learning through communication.
Maddy is pointing to the image she would like to use for her responding in art.
Thomas has chosen the "yes" card to let Miss Jo know the blue flower is "beautiful".
Jordon has used icon cards to describe his mobile he has made in art.
Ivy, Jordon and Gus are working together using yes and no cards and images to peer evaluate what they like about each other's artwork.
We use our yes and no cards as one way to learn how to make a choice.