Parent Information

Next term we are introducing the Qkr! app. This will allow you to order and pay for food from the Senior Cafe using the app. We will send out more information early next term! Keep an eye out!
Construction Update
School Hours
Please be reminded our school hours are 850am-250pm.
If you arrive after 8.50am or leave before 2.50pm - Students MUST be signed in at the school office.
Please note: Students are not to be left unaccompanied at school prior to 830am, which is when staff commence duty.
Please also, where possible, avoid collecting your child during our lunch breaks. Due to staff being on duty, it is difficult to get your child to the office during this time.
Our breaks are: 10.50 - 11.20am & 1.20 - 1.50pm.
Post School Options Session
Book Club - Issue 6
If you would like to order Book Club - you can view the catalogue via this link. To order - you will need to download the 'Loop' app.