Physical Education

& Health

Teagan Yates-  Health and Physical Education Coordinator

Year 8 Self Defence

The start of Term 4 has brought an exciting addition to our Year 8 curriculum – 

Self Defence lessons.


Yesterday marked the start of our Year 8 self-defence lessons, and it was a day filled with energy and excitement. Here's a glimpse of what our students experienced in their first classes:


Introduction to Basics: Students were introduced to the fundamental concepts of self-defence, including the importance of balance, stance and posture.


Confidence-Building Activities: To boost their self-assurance, students engaged in exercises aimed at improving body language and assertiveness.


Awareness Training: Students were taught to be more aware of their surroundings, an essential aspect of self-defence. They learned how to identify potential threats and avoid risky situations whenever possible.


Effective Communication: Our Year 8 students began developing their verbal self-defence skills, learning how to assert themselves, set boundaries and de-escalate confrontations through effective communication.


Safety and Respect:Instructors emphasised the importance of practicing self-defence responsibly, emphasising respect for others and the knowledge that self-defence should only be used as a last resort.


Our Year 8 students are in for an exciting and educational journey as they begin their 

5-week self-defence blitz and we are excited to see their progress and the positive impact these lessons will have on their lives.