Pastoral Program andEvents

  Angelique Phillip - Kemp                                                                  

Pastoral Program and Events Coordinator                

Some benefits of practicing gratitude are:

  • After 21 days, you start to scan the world for positives.
  • After 42 days you become:
    • More optimistic, energised and focused.
    • Less likely to get sick.
  • You will sleep better.
  • Anxiety and depression decreases.

A few quick and simple ways to practice being grateful are:

  • Journaling: each night write down three things that went well for you that day or purchase a gratitude journal with gratitude prompts.
  • Write a gratitude letter to someone special, telling them why you are grateful they are in your life.
  • Have a family discussion on the way home from school or around the dinner table about the things that went well that day or made you smile.

You can purchase 21day, 6 month and family journals from The Resilience Project website, if that is something you’re interested in.


R U Ok Day 2023

Last term, our school organised a memorable and impactful event in recognition of R U OK? Day, a national day dedicated to raising awareness about mental health and promoting meaningful conversations. We are delighted to share the highlights of this event and the incredible success of our fundraiser.


R U OK? Day is an important initiative that encourages us all to check in on the well-being of our friends, family and peers. At our high school, we take this mission to heart, striving to create a supportive environment where everyone knows they can turn to someone for help or simply a friendly conversation.


In the last few weeks of Term 3, and on 14 September, our school came together to mark R U OK? Day in a meaningful way. The event featured various activities and opportunities for students, teachers and staff to connect and support each other.  Some of the highlights included:

  • Pastoral Lesson activity where students in Homerooms wrote kind notes of affirmation for one another.
  • Staff also participated in this activity, sharing kind words and thoughts with one another.
  • Raising awareness around the school by wearing yellow and highlighting the R U Ok? Day annual theme of “Here to Hear” using posters around the school.
  • Fundraising on the day to help raise funds for Cambodia, but also to bring the school community together to raise awareness for this special occasion. These sales were organised by the student leaders.
  • Staff and student activities at lunchtime including games organised by the student leaders.

Now, let's talk about our fantastic fundraiser. We are thrilled to announce that our efforts in support of R U OK? Day was not only to raise awareness but was successful in generating funds for a worthy cause. With the generous contributions of students, staff and the broader school community, we managed to raise $779.95 for our partnership school in Cambodia. 


The success of our R U OK? Day event and fundraisers are a testament to the compassion and empathy that defines our school community. It is heartwarming to see students and staff come together to make a positive impact on the lives of others and it speaks volumes about the strength of our school's character.


As we move forward, let's remember the significance of R U OK? Day and continue to foster a culture of care and support within our school. Every day is an opportunity to ask someone, "Are you okay?" and to provide a listening ear or a helping hand.


Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making our R U OK? Day event a resounding success. Together, we can make a difference and promote mental health awareness and support.


Year 12 Jackets 2024

A small group of Year 11 students have also been working hard on the design for next year’s Year 12 Jacket. Thankyou to Sherlyn, Cleyara, Ashlie and Gabby for their work on this project.


The final design was voted on by all the Year 11 students, after the committee presented them with several options.


The final design is shown below, and Year 11 students can now order the jacket through the website given.


Orders close on the 23rd of October. 

Thankyou and congratulations to the design committee on a Term’s worth of hard work.