Connect: Foundation

Key Dates


Library for all Preps

Please supply a library bag

Monday 6th MayMothers Day Mixer
Tuesday 21st MayMaths Open Afternoon 2:15-4:30pm
Friday 24th MaySausage Sizzle PTF



We have been singing the Phonics Song daily to assist with learning the letter sounds. We encourage you to play the song at home. The link can be found here.  During literacy, we are focusing on learning the sounds letters make and correct letter formation. Students have enjoyed learning to read and write simple words such as van, lot, dot, lip and hot. We have discussed what makes a sentence, such as capital letters, full stop and finger spaces. The children have been writing simple dictation sentences such as, Viv is in the van. He is my Dad.

Letters/words covered so far: Future letters/words
Mm, Ss, Ff, Aa,Pp, Tt, Cc, Ii, Bb, Hh, Nn, Oo, Dd, Gg, Ll, Vv, Yy, RrEe, Qq, Zz
I, the, my, The, My, he, she, to, dowe, was



In Maths we are focusing on number sense. Children will be counting forwards and backwards from 10 and identifying collections that are larger and smaller. They will be using concrete materials to represent numbers 0-9 and developing their knowledge of part-part whole for numbers 0-9. Students will be using their ‘superhero eyes’ to recognise numbers up to 9 as well as demonstrating part-part whole relationships. 



This term, our Inquiry Unit is titled, ‘Great and Small’. Students will learn about the different features of animals and how those features help them to live in their environment. Students will learn about Australian animals and consider how they can save water and protect native habitats. Your students will use their imagination to design an animal using parts of different animals. 




Please remember to send your satchel to school daily and check for notices. We will endeavour to change readers every Monday. There is a packet of Alphabet cards and their Boomerang Book for home practice in their satchel. Students have also received a QR to Decodable Readers Australia with their own personal log in details. This is an excellent tool you can use at home to aid your at home reading. Additionally, each week we will provide students with a printed decodable book that includes only the sounds we have learnt so far. This book is yours to keep. 


Library Bags:

Please send in a named cloth bag every Wednesday for the library. This is a separate bag to their satchel. Students will not be allowed to take a book home without a bag. 



We have noticed there are many children who come to school with laces. If they can't tie their laces, it is recommended they have velcro shoes. Here is a video to assist with learning to tie laces.


Class Dojo:

Teachers will be sending home a QR code for you to scan so that you will be connected to your child’s Class Dojo. This is a fun way to follow along with the positive reward system we practice at Skye Primary. When your child reaches 50 points they will receive a Bronze award at assembly.

Please note, the messaging service on Dojo will not be accessed by teachers. Please email your teacher if need be.



Starting formal schooling provides an excellent opportunity to encourage your children to make their own choices and operate independently within the school community. If you are finding you still need to assist your child entering the classroom we encourage you to let your child know you will be saying goodbye to them at the door. Students settle very quickly into the morning routine, however, when the class is crowded with parents it can make the start of your child’s day unsettled. We have been impressed to see so many children walking into the classroom independently. 

Tips: Talk to your child the night before and have a plan eg; one hug, one goodbye and let your child know you will say goodbye at the door. Most importantly, stick to the plan. Please be assured that your child does settle quickly otherwise we would let you know.


Toileting Before School

Please remind your child to use the toilet before school so that their learning is not interrupted in the morning session.


Spare Clothes

With the wet weather upon us, please ensure your child has a change of clothes, including socks, in their bag. 


P.E.G. Preps explore galore!

The Preps have been enjoying exploring activities in the Prep classrooms. They have been crafting, building, drawing, threading, role playing and much more. Most importantly, students are developing their social skills and oral communication skills.