Leadership's Letter

Operations, Risk & Compliance

Our commitment to Child Safety

Mazenod College is committed to providing a respectful, safe, and supportive learning environment where everyone is valued and included. To improve the Child Safe procedures at the college, Mazenod has worked collaboratively with Rely to build an online portal where individuals can raise concerns or issues that relate to matters of child safety.


This portal, which we have named MazSAFE, can be found on the College website.


MazSAFE enables a safe environment for all members of the College or wider community to speak up and call out unacceptable conduct or behaviour.  Any issue raised will be dealt with promptly and individuals can be reassured that reports will be listened to, and that appropriate responses and actions will be taken. For students and parents at the College there are many avenues to seek help or express concerns. While the first port of call should always be a Pastoral Leader or Year Level Leader, MazSAFE allows everyone the opportunity to call out inappropriate actions. 


We, at Mazenod, are always looking for ways to improve our students’ workplace and learning environment, if there are any suggestions that you have that can assist us in improving the culture of our school, please feel free to contact me, or any member of the Child Safe Team of the College.  The Child Safe team consists of the Deputy Principal of Students (Gabriella Warfe) the Director of Operations, Risk and Compliance (Tony Rolfe), Dean of Junior School (Jamie Davin), and the Dean of Senior School (Nadia Willer). Students and Parents should feel comfortable approaching any trusted member of staff knowing that their views and concerns will always be treated respectfully and with sensitivity.

Building Works Update

Over the past few weeks our building program has slowly wound down and our renovation and refurbishment of the Main Building is almost complete.


Though it has been eighteen months of shuffling students, classes, and staff around into temporary classrooms and offices, the end result is something that we should all be proud of. Our students now have light, spacious classrooms which have been designed as flexible learning spaces. Each room is airconditioned and fitted with energy saving lighting and state of the art audiovisual technology. In the bottom Year 9 area, each classroom breaks out to an outdoor area which can facilitate group work and more physical learning activities. These spaces are also passive recreation areas with built in covered seating areas. When planted out these spaces will provide students another area to relax and socialise during recess and lunch breaks.

Mazenod College would like to thank our architect, Tony Cotter (CotterReid), who has been associated with the College for over twenty-five years. He has an intimate knowledge of our campus, and his creative flair ensures our ideas and needs are always accommodated. No concept is too difficult, and Tony only ever wants the best possible outcome that he can provide for the College. 


The Jardon Group, worked extremely well with the College and as builders were unobtrusive in their presence. Their respect for staff and student needs when undertaking noisy works, and while constructing our classrooms was second to none and the end product is something of which they can take much pride. 


Fusion, who project managed the four stages of construction were instrumental in assisting with the project and the fact that budgets were met, and timeframes adhered to, can be solely attributed to the work of Bill and Sheldon. 


Finally, much thanks must go to Marc Johnson our Operations Manager at Mazenod. His knowledge of our buildings and services, his astute eye for detail and his expertise, gained in the construction industry during his time as a tradie, specifically as a carpenter, averted many a problem and his solutions and suggestions saved money and time. Without him we would be lost. 


Next time you are at the College, have a look at the work done renovating and refurbishing the Main Building. What was a 58 year old tired building is now a modern, 21st Century set of classrooms and offices, designed to facilitate the learning and wellbeing of our students. 






Tony Rolfe

Director of Operations, Risk & Compliance