Visual Arts

Visual Arts 2024
The students of St Anthony’s have proven that we’re a school of budding artists! From Prep to Year 6, the enthusiasm in the Art room is apparent every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We started the year by focusing on our school value of respect. We all agreed that for a happy and calm Art room we need to respect each other, our Art materials and each others’ creativity. The Art room has become a colourful, safe and happy place to create and learn!
All classes started the year by contributing to our class RESPECT posters that feature in the Art room. The Preps have explored the colour wheel and painted stars using watercolour paints. The Year 1/2 students drew mini self portraits on paper plates. The 3/4 students decorated their own silhouettes and learned how to draw still life drawings. The Year 5/6 used mirrors to draw their own self portraits and made mini tree sculptures using wire and found materials. What a creative start to the year!
We look forward to many more creative projects and learning opportunities in 2024 in the Art room!