In Faith we will show..... Respect, Empathy, Inclusion, Excellence!
Dear Families
Mothers and Special Friends' Day
Thank you to the PFA, especially the Year 5&6 MC parents, for hosting the breakfast and gift stall. Everyone was so excited about being given the opportunity to spend the time together on the morning. The children had a special buzz being able to buy that special gift. In particular, thank you to Linda and Rhonda for the excellent coordination as Class Liaisons. Your eagerness and energy given to this event was felt by everyone that attended. Yogi and Diane, the Coffee Van staff, made a comment on how excited and happy everyone was on the morning.
Mrs Emma Clausen News
Congratulations to Mrs & Mr Clausen on the safe arrival of their daughter Sophie Elizabeth. The family are all very excited, especially Sophie's brothers.
Health News Updates
Please keep your child at home if they are showing any signs of the various viruses that are going around at the moment. You will be asked to come and collect then if they are sent to sick bay during the day. Giving them some pain / fever relief medication only masks the situation for a short time.
Medications at School: The school is not permitted to give any medication prescribed by a doctor or over the counter unless there is a Medical Management Plan in place for it.
Coughing and sneezing, blowing and wiping noses: as trivial as it might seem to an adult it is important for children to know the correct ways that they can protect themselves and others. We continue to promote the covering of mouths and being able to blow one's nose.
Vinnies' Blanket and Coat Appeal
Our school has been invited to support the St Vincent De Paul Association by taking part in the Winter Blanket and Coat Appeal. The School Captains, Poppy and Julian, will be leading this appeal throughout the school. Please see their promotion below.
Curriculum Day
A reminder that our next Curriculum Day is on Tuesday 11 June 2024. There will be no school for students on this day. OSHC will be available if needed. As this is the second one for this term there won't be one in Term Three.
OSHC will be available on this day.
Pentecost Sunday - this weekend
At today's assembly the Years 3&4 reminded us that this weekend the church celebrates Pentecost Sunday. The children spoke of the great gift given to Jesus' Disciples and passed into us - the Gift of Courage. May we embrace this precious gift when we need to face our daily lives.
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Acts 2: 1-4
Dear Holy Spirit,
Fill our hearts with Your presence.
Guide us with Your wisdom and love.
Sincerely yours
Margaret Carlei