Middle School

Year 9+10

Key Dates

Week 6Wed 22 MayAlpine School Interviews
Week 7Mon 27 MayY10 Immunisations
Week 8Tue 3 JuneTry a Trade Day 
Week 9+1014-20 JuneYear 10 Exams
Week 1124-28 JuneY10 Work Experience
Mon 24 JuneVCE Acceleration test - Y9 students
Wed 26 JuneY9 Assembly - period 6

Year 10  Immunisations

All parents/carers of Year 10 students are required to complete the online form on the vaccination portal regarding the Meningococcal ACWY vaccine. Please note: the form must be completed for ALL students - even if you do NOT wish your child to receive the vaccination.

The form must be completed by 24 May. 


Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 10 Work Experience is compulsory-If you have not handed in your work experience forms you must do so ASAP. If you still have not found a placement you need to make an appointment with the Careers Team in A5.


Work experience dates: 24 - 28 June


Alpine School Interviews

Students will be notified about their Alpine School Interviews via email: Including the questions, time and location. Ms Kerwin and Ms Wharton will be running the interviews. 


Reporting Absences

Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Morgan Rose on 9091 8133

Celebrating Success

Magistrates' Court Excursion

This week, our Y10 Legal Studies students attended the Melbourne Magistrates' Court to learn about the legal system. They learnt about court proceedings and the roles of the magistrate and the prosecution. Students also observed courtroom protocols and etiquette and were able to explore different court rooms.


Trade Fit Day

Well done to all the students who attended the 'Trade Fit Day'. We had a great day out exploring the different industries and collecting all the free samples :)

  • Vivian Wong- Business Management
  • Rosie Vu - Maths
  • Amelie Wearne - English
  • Addison Gorevski - English