Junior School

Year 7+8

Respectful Relationships

'Sticks & Stones' Theatre Production - Year 7+8

On Thursday 23 May, Brainstorm Productions will be presenting their student wellbeing performance ‘Sticks & Stones' for Year 7+8. 'Sticks & Stones' is a live theatre experience that explores different forms of bullying and aggression, and encourages respect, assertiveness and conflict resolution at school, at home and online. Students are challenged to consider the impact of their behaviour and develop strategies for managing emotions, seeking help and building respectful relationships. 


‘Sticks & Stones' is part of our student wellbeing curriculum and has been developed by education and mental health professionals. This engaging theatrical experience uses humour, soundscapes and physical theatre to capture students' attention and inspire them to make positive changes. 


Upstanding Behaviour - Year 8

An 'Upstander' is someone who takes action against bullying behaviour. When an Upstander sees someone being bullied, they do something about it. They help to stop the bullying from happening, or they support the person who’s being bullied. In our Year 8 Assembly last week, we explored what it looks like to be an Upstander. 


It is important for students to have a toolkit of strategies to help someone who may be the target of unwanted attention. We explored these strategies and the barriers to upstander behaviour, explaining why a person may be reluctant to show these behaviours. Examples of what these behaviours could look like in the average day of Maribyrnong College student were also discussed.


Year 8 Assembly

Thank you to our Year 8 student leaders Andrietta and Lulya for MCing our recent assembly, along with Georgia, Olivia, Elizabeth and Kameron for sharing reports from both the Sports and Arts committees. We look forward to our next assemblies in Week 11 of this term for both Year 7 and Year 8.



Coordinator Messages

Please note that no beanies, puffer jackets or hoodies are to be worn with school uniform. Students must be in full school uniform as they travel to and from school, as well as during the school day.


Students should now all have a lock and must ensure they are locked at all times. Many students are still walking away with their locks dangling from their locker.


A reminder to all students that they should have their books, devices and stationary out of their locker and ready to walk to class at 8.50am. This bell is a signal to start the day. 



Key Dates

Thurs 23 MaySticks & Stones Production

Period 1+2: Year 8

Period 3+4: Year 7

Mon 27 MayImmunisation catch-up dayPeriod 1


Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136

Celebrating Student Success

High GPA Awards - Term 1

Our Junior School Team would like to recognise the students who consistently demonstrate pride in performance. These awards are to acknowledge the students who have achieved a GPA of 9 or higher. A GPA is the grade point average across all studies in our Year 7 or 8 program. To achieve a 9 or above is to be performing at an excellent level across all studies. Congratulations to the following students: 


Rachel Masaeli

Chloe Portelli

Moonstone Duong

Roujina Sheikhali


Leo Truong



Zack Sacaner



Smrithi Adepu

Ria Bairy

Aurelie Kostova


Melita Taylor

Xinxuan He

Stephanie Do



Sakura Yoshizawa

Sophia Tanarte-Crook


Clarice Yap