In the Spotlight

Hey everyone,


My name is Dallas Holden and I’ve been the Performing Arts teacher at OGPS since July 2016 and I love it here!


I grew up in Keilor with my Mum, Dad and 2 older brothers. I had a fun and interesting childhood with my love of music being shaped through my Dad (a drummer, guitarist and singer) and my 2 brothers who are also drummers. Many jams and parties over the years! 


Something interesting about my family is that my Dad’s great grandfather and his 12 brothers 1 sister were a traveling circus. The Holden Brother’s traveling circus went for years and travelled Australia. Throughout the Holden bloodline are performers and creatives of all sorts. Pretty cool how genetics work!


Growing up, we always had our holidays at Barwon Heads and I knew that one day I would live down here. I love the Bellarine so much and couldn’t think of a better place to bring up my 2 lovely boys. I love the beach, baking and getting to as many gigs as I can!


Big love folks 😊



Hi everyone,

I’m Kristy – the very proud Assistant Principal at Ocean Grove Primary School.


I am extremely fortunate to have had a long association with the OGPS community and feel so privileged to be able to work in an environment where our children are challenged, nurtured and deeply cared for by everyone. Our community is so passionate about our school and that’s what makes it such a terrific place!


I grew up in a small country town called Maryborough. My Mum was a school teacher and my Dad had the local sports shop.


I met my husband at university. He is also an Assistant Principal. We have two children who keep us very busy! Horses, netball, football, motorbikes and the list goes on!


My parents and my sister live close by and we all LOVE cooking together. It’s often quite loud when we gather and it always involves lots of food, love and laughter!


People always get my sister (Tess – picture below) and I muddled up. If you see me out and about and it appears that I have not acknowledged you, it could possibly be Tess! Can you tell the difference?