
Attendance is so critical for our children's education. We want our students at Modbury School P-6 at school every day. Our current attendance rate is:

The department has adopted the following definitions consistent with best practice to identify students at risk through non-attendance: 


Habitual non-attendance where a student has 5 to 9 absences for any reason in a term (average of 1 day per fortnight). 


• Chronic non-attendance where a student is absent for 10 days or more in a term for any reason (average of 1 day per week).


We are aiming for our attendance to increase to at least 93%. We are currently reviewing our Attendance Policy and a big focus is now on chronic and habitual absences from the Department for Education. Once we have finalised the policy, we will contact families with students who are currently in the chronic and habitual absence range to arrange an Attendance Plan meeting to look at supportive ways to encourage regular attendance at school. This requires commitment from both school and home to ensure students attend regularly to support their social, emotional and academic well-being and growth. 


If your child is absent or late for any reason, please notify the school in writing by messaging the class teacher on Class Dojo or emailing the school on: